View Keir Crane's Pride

Aztec Knight Keir Crane

Lion Stats
1626 / 18590 (8%)
Level 14
Strength 80 Speed 105
Stamina 92 Smarts 78
Agility 75 Skill 23
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 453
Lion Currents
Age 9 years, 1 month old
Energy 100 / 100
Pose Evil
Loner (Neutral)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 54.487179487179%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Unknown Mother Newly Claimed Lioness (Deceased) View Full Heritage
Last Bred N/A Fertility N/A View All Cubs Bred (24)
Appearance Markings
Base Scoundrel (Dark Skin) Slot 1: Ukame Marble (22%) Tier 3
Slot 2: Bandit Feline (69%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Feline 9 Onyx (33%) Tier 2
Slot 8: Silky Fawn (45%) Tier 6
Slot 9: Fiery Roan (30%) Tier 2
Slot 10: Scoundrel Pelage (19%) Tier 3
Genetics Red Medium Countershaded Special
Eyes Vile
Mane Type Pariah
Mane Color Deep Fawn
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Croaking Ravens

Harbinger Teeth
Essence of Death
Lab Test Frog
Soothsayer's Tailwrap
Soothsayer's Legwraps
Key Bracelet
Soothsayer's Hood
Aging Black Leopard

Portal of Horrors
Attacks Defended 24 Explore Steps Taken 5542 NPCs Defeated 472
Lions Sent Away 1 Lions Killed 108
Studding Services
This male lion is offering studding services, for a price of 1 GB OR 200 SB. Lionesses must have a minimum of 0% fertility to breed.

This male lion has 15/15 studding slots left open this week.

* Selecting an item to send with the request will remove the item from your hoard and apply it to the stud if your request is accepted. If your request is removed or denied for any reason the item will be returned to you. Multiple items can be sent at the same time providing they do not cancel each other out in their effects.

* Breeding to a mutated stud does not affect your chances of conceiving a mutated cub unless the stud is a variation of piebald or primal.
He was the chosen one.

Born on the night of the new moon when no silvery light could light the way. There had been whispers about him since Persephone appeared. A child with strange, dead-like eyes would be born. Eyes that could see the ghosts of the past and that would lead the pride down a dark path. The lioness could see the changes in their King and knew that their fate had been sealed. Their fate had been decided that day that they tried to dispose of Peresphone.

Peresphone had made friends with the child's mother , even bringing the litter-mateless boy a friend. A friend in the form of a black leopard that would stick close and be a constant shadow. A shadow that would seek the blood of any that dared to take a wrongful step in the boy's direction.

So , could they kill this chosen heir?

The child's mother swore that he would be a good child. That he would make a delightful pridemate and that they had no reason to worry about her son. She would train him right.

But Persephone watched and waited. Once the child was weaned she took the life of his mother, making it appear to be an accident and coyly took him to her. She watched him like a hawk and taught him what she knew but there was only so much that she could teach him. He needed a prince to teach him but there were no other males within the pride to take the responsibility and thus she began her search for someone to take him on. The child would have to go to another pride and be trained there till he was ready to take his positioning. She would make sure that Amyas would remain healthy until that day arrived and then as a right of passage she would have the boy Kill Amyas.

As his year birthday rolled around Persephone approached him, a strange lion cloaked with what appeared to be front. He was a large lion, larger than any he had ever seen.

"This is Lemuel'" she told him "he will take you and train you and when you come of age you will return home and take your rightful place as king.'

And so at a year old, off he went to a strange pride to learn the things that he needed.

Keir's return marked a dark day for Amyas. Though young it was clear what his intentions were.. He would kill the King. Binding his time he patrolled the lands and scouted areas becoming familiar with each patch of dried grass or each watering hole or each hunting grounds. As he had been instructed he watched the lionesses carefully, watching their movements and how there seemed to be a divide amongst them all. Persephone was queen of one group while Cygni, who was always careful of Keir, led her own little group. The others just seemed to fit neither here nor there.

Three whole years he waited. Three whole years he toiled and prepared to take over and upon his third birthday he struck Amyas down with a single blow - killing the once strong king made feeble with time and worries of a pride.

/ Scoundrel cub. Keep. is spread out in a dark corner, brooding intently. Your lionesses are looking at him, tittering and giggling. You have the sudden urge to swat him.

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