Carrying a sweet smile on her muzzle, no one can deny that she is the most beautiful lioness to ever walk upon the earth. When she speaks, her voice is soft like a feather.
And yet, despite her honey-coated tongue, the only constant in this lioness' surroundings is despair.
She may be kind to you, she may offer you help, but whatever you do, don't accept it. Suffer alone. For she'll make you suffer twice as much after you get comfortable.
No one knows her true origins. She comes and goes in the blink of an eye, and never seems to age. Lions named her Desolation, for she created a new type of pain for all of them.
For eons Desolation was seen as a bad omen, a demon, something to be feared. But while she didn't grow tired of the pain she inflicted, other lions certainly did.
On a starless night, a group of shamans got together, and sealed Desolation away, far from any pride.
They thought they were safe from the lioness, but enraged at their actions, Desolation was able to burn down half of the savannah completely on her own. The smoke from the fires spread through the entire continent, and she learned how to walk on other's dreams.
And not only could she enter their dreams, she could reshape them, change them, give them new lifeβor a lack of one. Now, instead of feeding off the despair from other lions, she feeds off their nightmares and uses its power to grow stronger, hoping to one day escape her prison.
Desolation's story was passed through generations. Her name was translated to many languages, some of which depicted her as a lion, not a lioness.
Because of a simple mistake, foolish lions thought it'd be a good idea to send Desolation offerings to spare them from her horrible nightmares.
All lions brought to her ashen territory were killed or driven to madness by her. Sometimes she wouldn't harm them at all, feeling amused by their anticipation.
But although Desolation killed almost all lions who entered her territory, never did she harm the lionesses who came to her.
Even Desolation herself doesn't know why she refuses to hurt lionesses. Perhaps she sees herself in them; maybe she just finds them prettier; or maybe she has just grown soft and lonely over the years. It didn't matter.
What matters is that all lionesses who desire revenge come to Desolation for guidance, shelter, and love. And desolation is eager to provide. For the only thing she loves more than chaos and destruction, is soft warm fur beneath her tongue.
Due to her blank, unblinking gaze, many think Desolation is blind, but she is far from that. She sees nothing and everything at the same time. She knows your past, what you are afraid of, and has the knowledge to shape your future out of nightmares alone.
Some say that if you stare at her long enough, you'll go mad before the sun sets. Of course, no one believes this. But at the same time, no lion survived to tell the story...
Fire is rooted within Desolation's essence. In fact, some theorize that she was born from fire. The first spark that caused the first greatest fire in all of africa who later took the sape of a lion.
The flames don't bother Desolation, who is able to start forest fires with a flick of her tail.
Due to the nature of her territory, not all lionesses are able to join her pride. The smoke makes it hard to breathe and the floor is so hot you feel your pelt burning just by thinking about it.
The lionesses who are able to join her pride are blessed (or rather, cursed) by Desolation. The fire and smoke does not bother them anymore, and they are able to walk on dreams just like their leader.
Sadly, their powers come at the cost of their liberty. But they don't seem to mind. Why worry about the outside world when the Queen of Nightmares sleeps with you every night?
Starting Stats: 188