View 's Pride

, the Confused

Lion Stats
152 / 100 (100%)
Level 1
Strength 8 Speed 6
Stamina 8 Smarts 4
Agility 5 Skill 7
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 38
Lion Currents
Age 9 years, 6 months old
Energy 100 / 100
Impression Barely Noticeable
Pose Default
Arrogant (Snarky)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 57.692307692308%
Elder Stage 0%
Appearance Markings
Base Silver (White Skin) Slot 1: Feline 7 Elysian (78%) Tier 5
Slot 3: Onyx Vitiligo (40%) Tier 3
Slot 5: Cloudburst Shroud (60%) Tier 3
Slot 10: White Mottled Fissures (73%) Tier 3

This lion has 3 markings hidden on the following slots:
12, 13, 15
Genetics Black Medium Solid Common
Eyes Crepuscular
Mane Type Crested
Mane Color Cloudburst
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Clean Lake

Sunset Moth
Tefnut's Flower
Scar: Tail
Scar: Belly Scratch
Scar: Beaten Up
Scar: Nose Scratch
Scar: Back Scratch
Scar: Short Left Eye
Event Scar: Swiped
Egyptian Slit-Faced Bat
Eager Cub [White]
Attacks Defended 0 Explore Steps Taken 671 NPCs Defeated 1
Lions Sent Away 0 Lions Killed 0

Memory Used: 725.49 KB - Queries: 20 - Query Time: 0.00685 - Total Time: 0.01397s