Birthdate: 1.19.23 | Kinged: 11.20.24
(Death date)
- First Rosette bred in the Pride!
~ Great Great granddaughter of Graydan before Mut Rep ~
~ G5 since Graydan ~
~ You were feeling a bit annoyed about being beaten in a fight, but ππππ cheerfully assured you that you will always have the chance to try again!
~ You go to get a drink of water and find ππππ holding still, using his shadow to attract fish for easy catching. Nice.
~ A flock of tiny birds are playing and pouncing all over ππππ. He is just remaining where he is, humming softly and letting them go at it.
- Lvl 1: 242 stats
- Lvl 2: 519 stats ( +1 Strength, +1 Stamina, +2 Agility!)
- Lvl 3: 525 stats (+6 Strength!)
- Lvl 4: 533 stats (+2 Speed, +4 Smarts, +1 Stamina, +1 Agility!)
- Lvl 5: 549 stats (+2 Strength, +2 Smarts, +2 Stamina, +4 Agility!)
- Lvl 6: 588 stats (+2 Strength, +5 Speed, +2 Smarts, +4 Stamina, +3 Agility!) At
- Lvl 7 & 8: ??
- Lvl 8: 635 stats (+1 Strength, +17 Speed!)
- Lvl. 9: ??
- Lvl 10: 674 stats (+5 Strength, +4 Speed, +1 Smarts, +4 Stamina, +6 Agility!)
- Lvl 11: 717 stats (+4 Strength, +6 Speed, +7 Smarts, +3 Stamina, +2 Agility!)
- Lvl 12: 754 stats (+8 Strength, +5 Smarts, +5 Stamina, +6 Agility!)
- Lvl 13: 840 stats (+3 Strength, +1 Speed, +17 Smarts, +3 Stamina, +2 Agility!)
- Lvl 14: 877 stats (+2 Strength, +17 Speed, +3 Smarts, +6 Agility!)
- Lvl 15: 907 stats (+10 Strength, +6 Speed, +6 Smarts, +7 Stamina, +1 Agility!)
(Completed) - Gray Base
(Completed) - Mane Changer: Ebony (5 GB)
(Completed) - Tan Skin
(Completed) - Mane Applicator: Diabolic (Possession)
- Eye Applicator: Arid (30x Dry Palm Leaf, 50x Locust Wing, and 20x Herb: Dream Root)
(Completed) - Lab Test Frog: (2 GB)
(Completed)- Kind Pose (1 GB)
- Dense Patches Mutations
- Onyx Smudge (Marking 1)
(Completed) - Onyx Cozy (Marking 2) (30 piety)
(Completed) - Goridhe Heavy Rosette (Marking 3)(Breed Only)
- Seal Points (Marking 4) (3 GB)
- Seal Dorsal Line (Marking 5) (1 GB)(RMA)
(Completed) - Noctis Thrashed Back (Marking 6) (2000 SB)(8500 SB)
(Completed) - Noctis Thrashed Chest (Marking 7) (2000 SB)(8500 SB)
(Completed) - Harvest Moon Lace (Marking 8) (140 BB)
- Quartz Gentle Unders (Marking 9) (3 GB)
- Under White 4 (Marking 10) (3 GB)
- Burning Plains (400 CB) --------- Great Fires Background (??)
(Completed) - Apollyon's Grace (400 SB)
(Completed) - Magma Scales [Shoulders] (24 NF)
(Completed)- Magma Scales [Tail] (24 NF)
(Completed) - Magma Scales [Legs] (24 NF)
(Completed) - Magma Scales [Head] (24 NF)
(Completed) - Magma Scales [Rump] (24 NF) (Thanks to Beanfit - THANKS SIS!!)
(Completed) - Embers (80 CB)
(Completed) - Falling Embers (40 Points)
(Completed) - Small Embers (25 Points)
- Smoke (90 CB)
(Completed) - Back Fog (350 SB)
- Falling Ash (??)
Final Design
RMA Journey:
Slot 5: Scoria Cover, Algae Skull, Dark Brown Wisp, Cimmerian Face Carving
Notable Cubs:
x1 Uncommon base: x1 Korat (12.02.24)
x3 Rare Base: x1 Scallop (11.27.24) x2 Cocoa (12.02.24)(01.27.25)
x1 Sectoral Eyes (Green & Blue) (Breed-Only) (11.27.24)
x4 Pine eyes (Combo eyes)
x5 Asiatic (12.23.24) (12.25.24)(01.27.25)(TWINS! - 02.01.25)
x2 GHR Passed