View SSG Irene Red's Pride

SSG Irene Red, the Aztec Knight

Lion Stats
4998 / 8910 (56%)
Level 10
Strength 281 Speed 273
Stamina 272 Smarts 218
Agility 308 Skill 12
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 1364
Lion Currents
Age 3 years, 9 months old
Energy 100 / 100
Extremely Impressive
Pose Kind
Arrogant (Snarky)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 13.461538461538%
Elder Stage 0%
Appearance Markings
Base Arctic (Lavender Skin) Slot 1: Whisper Ringed (100%) Tier 3
Slot 2: Blood Moon Feline (100%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Cabochon Feline (100%) Tier 3
Slot 4: Cimmerian Rogue (100%) Tier 2
Slot 5: Neutron Valiant (100%) Tier 3
Slot 6: Noctis Maracaja (100%) Tier 3
Slot 7: Noctis Omen (100%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Rose Pink Quail Flecks (100%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Water Hyacinth Margay (100%) Tier 3
Slot 10: Haliotis Proteles (100%) Tier 3
Slot 11: Lycaon Heavy Inverted Noctis (100%) Tier 3
Slot 12: Noctis Foreshadow (90%) Tier 3
Slot 13: Noctis English Spots (74%) Tier 3
Genetics Black Medium Countershaded Special
Eyes Violet
Mane Type Hellraiser
Mane Color Bloodstone
Mutation Piebald (Tovero)
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Hyena Wastelands

Lion Pride Faux Mohawk [Pink and Orange]
Lab Test Frog
Lion Pride Fluffy Furboots [Pink and Orange]
Lion Pride Fluffy Tail [Pink and Orange]
Claws of Bast [Jeweled]
Jewelry: Limb Adornments [Shaman]
Jewelry: Nuummite Diadem
Jewelry: Charming Chains [Ammonite]
Jackal Pelt
Barbarian Armour [Legs]
Kudu Tooth and Bone Necklace
Barbarian Armour [Rump]
Bloodstone Fang Extensions
Attacks Defended 0 Explore Steps Taken 1937 NPCs Defeated 113
Lions Sent Away 37 Lions Killed 0
Studding Services
This male lion is offering studding services, for a price of 325 SB. Lionesses must have a minimum of 1% fertility to breed.

This male lion has 15/15 studding slots left open this week.

* Selecting an item to send with the request will remove the item from your hoard and apply it to the stud if your request is accepted. If your request is removed or denied for any reason the item will be returned to you. Multiple items can be sent at the same time providing they do not cancel each other out in their effects.

* Breeding to a mutated stud does not affect your chances of conceiving a mutated cub unless the stud is a variation of piebald or primal.

G6 Piebald (Tovero)
Born: 1061 stats
2 years: Adol training reached 100%: +15 STR, +1 AGI, +1 SMR
Patrol stats gained in total: 8
Kinged: 3 years old. 17/11/2024 , dd/mm/yyyy
3 years: +175 STATS - 1273 STATS OVERALL
5x giant tortoises: 2700 XP
4x coconut: 200 XP
10x broken drones: 500 XP
1x old lioness quest encounter: 500 XP
Random stat boost (12 piety) x9: +135 STATS
3y, 1m: +32 STATS - 1307 STATS OVERALL
8x giant tortoises: 4600 XP
17x broken drones: 900 XP
3y, 2m: +22 STATS - 1329 STATS OVERALL

Memory Used: 725.99 KB - Queries: 21 - Query Time: 0.00612 - Total Time: 0.01281s