As a young cub,King Hallowed was abandoned by his pride with his siblings.With his smart and survival instinct,he struggled to survive the brutal food chain of the plains of Africa.Sadly,he is the only one who survived among his 5 siblings as most of them died of hunger,and one of them died of being killed by a group of hyenas.He does not have a happy and peaceful childhood,so he is quiet most of the time. Haunted by his fearful past,he is very aggressive towards the hyenas,tearing the ones he sees into pieces and rips them apart.
King Hallowed is a kind gentleman in his heart.He will tries to keep all his cubs until they are fully grown or turns into adolescence.Every child of his is his treasure and precious ones,who he will care and provides them the best food.He loves every of his child,teaching them all the skills he knew so that they can be independent in the future.However,there are some sad times,where he will have to choose to keep or abandon his child as there is no spaces left in his pride.
Among his huge harem,the lioness who he loves the most is Lionel.She is the first one who is willing to join him when he decides to form the pack and the first woman who gives birth to his very first cub.He is very grateful to her,and he promises that he will never abandon her no matter what happens.He crowned her as the queen of his when the pride grew stronger and larger.Together,they will hold each others hand ruling the pride and bring happiness to every one.
Level 13 428stats at 9/3/2015
King Hallowed and Queen Lionel has a big fight.
500 stats at 9 years 5 months
Level 14 +4 Strength & +4 Speed & +4 Smarts & +2 Stamina & +16 Agility
King Hallowed is forced to marry Pruincess Rena and Princess Saffron for strengthening the diplomatic relationship with Whitehill and WhiteRaven Kingdoms.For the future and sake of his kingdom,he is forced to agree the marriage and crown these princesses as the queen in his kingdom.The first queen,Lionel feels very sad but she cannot do anything as she does not have strong family/pride to support her.She is very concern as the queens are younger,prettier and stronger than her.Queen Rena is a kind and joyful woman,she does not get jealous or pick on a fight easily with the other harem members of King Hallowed,but Queen Saffron is a selfish woman due to her family background.She is the youngest princess of all so she is maltreated during her adolescence and childhood and caused her to instilled a selfish and self caring habit.She plots a lot of tricks to get rid of Lionel by causing trouble and accused her of doing it.King Hallowed knew every evil tricks she played so he tried to ignore the queen to avoid Saffron from playing tricks on her because of jealousy.King Hallowed do not want the new queen's children to become to king as he is afraid that they will take over his kingdom completely.
He chased most of their children away and keeping those weaker or female ones.The weaker ones are not given any good nurturing and education on how to hunt and becoming a king.The king is intended to slaughter them secretly.The queens do know about Hallowed's thought,but they cannot do anything and they have deeply fallen in love with Hallowed.
The king is plotting on a war towards the two kingdoms.He intended to take the kingdoms