<ul><li>When Grandpaw Hawthorns got up for his evening walk, Hawthorns II took no time at all dropping their toy to run over and beg Grandpaw Hawthorns if they could go with him.
As you prepare to patrol your territory, you notice Hawthorns II spending some quality time with Grandpaw Hawthorns. How nice. "Uh...where do cubs come from? see, little one, when two lions love each other very much, or like each other enough, or hate each other--" Wait, what?! You quickly snatch Hawthorns II by the scruff of their neck and run away. They are too young to have "The Talk"!</li><li>Grandpaw Hawthorns decided to lend a paw with bathtime today, and was given the particularly cheeky and troublesome Hawthorns II. Grandpaw Hawthorns threatens to ground them if they don't start behaving.</li><li>Young Hawthorns II didn't want to play chase with their siblings today - instead, they decided today was a good day to take a nap with Grandpaw Hawthorns, who doesn't seem to mind Hawthorns II clambering over him.</li></ul>Cub Training:
<ul><li>Hawthorns II happily helped his classmate up after a really tough tussle.</li><li>Hawthorns II felt a little bad after he scared the crap out of his classmate with his sneaking. He left them a gift as an apology.</li><li>Hawthorns II pounced after hopping insects, and he successfully nailed several. He spent several minutes licking his paws afterwards.</li><li>Hawthorns II tried his best to clear each obstacle, but they were much too high for him to jump. It's alright, though, he'll just have to try harder next time!</li></ul>Cub:
<ul><li>Hawthorns II suddenly runs up to you, bops you on the paw, and shouts 'TAG! You're it'! You enjoy the game until you're tired.</li><li>You settle down to munch a nice, fat, gerbil. Or....not. Hawthorns II nyoomed over, grabbed it, and nyoomed away. Awwww...</li></ul>Adolescent:
<ul><li>When approaching to greet everyone today, you managed to step on Hawthorns II's paw. He decided to treat it as a tussle invitation which turned into a partial cuddle.</li></ul>Adult:
<ul><li>You sit down with Hawthorns II and apologize for snarling at him last night, you were just so stressed and tired. He sits next to you and shrugs while saying he didn't even notice.</li></ul>