Neelo dispersed from his birth pride at an usually young age, sick of the controlled life under his father's constant rule, and lived as a loner until maturity brought the urge to collect his own pride. Neelo stole lioness from prides or lured them out of the wilderness, connecting with each one on at least some level of intimacy. From there, Neelo took his companions and lead them to a large expanse of dust and stone. There they settled. Ruling the world of ashes, and defending it from outsiders unwelcome behind their boundaries. Expanding outwards, as the pride grew Neelo stretched his borders far enough to encompass other terrains, some grasslands, some sparse woods, even a few small rivers.
The black feline's personality mirrored his pride. Neelo holds deep loyal morals, it is in his nature to furnish relationships of respect and trust with those around him, and to distance himself from those he view as untrustworthy. Thus, Listless Roamers are tightly net internally, but shy away from outside engagements, save of course defending. Neelo is genteel and patient with his cubs and females, and his nature is attractive to weaker males looking to enter into a pride. His quiet side masks his friendly tendencies and metallic loyalty to his group, his fangs are ready for any who dare to wound one under his protection.
Lastly, Neelo favors two of his females just because of their personalities and soothing companionship, Ren and Fay. This does not mean he neglects his other lionesses, it is only a small matter of personalty preferences and he attempts to keep it on the down low.