Captain Archibald Haddock's Den

This lion has 36 happy thoughts, 9 awkward thoughts, and 27 frivolous thoughts!

This is the home of RainPride. It is a wide, grassy plain with rocks and groups of trees. Its inhabitants are referred to as "RainPriders" or sometimes "Northerners". Some also call them "Twilightlanders" after the climate of their territory. Since Tharision´s days also sometimes as "WinterPride". To the southern border, there is a chain of hills which separates the territory to the neighbouring territory of their befriended neighbours, SunPride.
RainPride houses all the "cool" pelt colors, like various creams, dove grey, gray, maltese, silver, cocoa, dun, ashen, but also onyx, and hopefully someday ebony, lilac, slate and celestial. Basically it is mainly the black and cream color groups.

Current king: Captain Archibald Haddock
Former kings:
Vadazhi the Endurant (reached level 16, 588 stats and the title "Dreamboat of Ladies")
Ohmwrecker (reached level 15, 710 stats and the title "Famous Ohmwrecker")
Solar the Lightbringer (reached level 16, 861 stats and the title "Dreamboat of Ladies")
Elixir Conladrian (reached level 18, 999 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Fialnor (reached level 20, 1148 stats and the title "Deathlord of the Jungle")
Lightbringer the Candid (reached level 19, 1204 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Vermithrax (reached level 22, 1429 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Ragnar the Winter King (reached level 19, 1479 stats and the title "King of the Jungle)
Connor the Confident (reached level 17, 1282 stats and the title "The Phoenix")
Ragnarök the Heartless (reached level 17, 1292 stats and the title "Demonic" - died prematurely with 11 years 1 month)
Tharision (reached level 18, 1522 stats and the title "King of the Jungle- stepped down from throne aged 12 years 7 months as he never really wanted to be king anyway)
Toralf Ragnarsson (reached level 17, 1474 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Morlock (reached level 22, 2026 stats and the title "Resurgent")
Havelock (reached level 20, 1840 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Arthur the Forgiving (reached level 20, 2028 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Caradoc the Fatherly (reached level 19, 1525 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Vanir Toralfson (reached level 17, 1469 stats and the title "Deathlord of the Jungle)
Lautreamont (reached level 21, 1953 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Kirby the Vacuum Cleaner (reached level 18, 1738 stats and the title "Grumpy")
Pellinor (reached level 20, 1574 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Legolas the Even-Tempered (reached level 14, 1231 stats and the title "Prince of the Savannah")
Donovan the Chivalrous (reached level 14, 1111 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Queens: Salcilia
Former Queens: Siveda, Elsinor and Kara (the Queens of Storm), Avendal, Merrow (the Lilac Queen), Edondra, Akanida, Messoria, Eilan, Gwenhwyfar, Morgaine, Sainfoin, Ishifar, Aekala, Orcare, Faunalyn, Morgause, Lysina, Zoastria, Niavel, Dorothea, Evana, Epona, Koshaya, Regan (the Silky Queen), Galadriel, Ecliptica, Harra, Shiantara, Ashes (the Fluffy), Arwen, Brumaire, Roesariel (Two-tailed Queen), Amorphis, Halinor (overgrown claws), Arctica, Ayden, Sonata Arctica, Lumiel
Heir: Alastor
Lead Huntress:

A little bit of Pride history:
RainPride was founded by its first king, Vadazhi. Times were often hard but also good, and under his sucessor, Ohmwrecker, the pride had its most dramatic times to date, having to fight several battles for their survival. Then, under Solar the Lightbringer, Elixir Conladrian and Fialnor, times were mostly prosperous, and the pride flourished. Though Fialnor is the Prides very first evil king... or maybe just because of that. It means more food. But now, there seem to be darker days ahead again... During Lightbringer´s reign, times were indeed a bit harder again, especially towards the end of his rule. During Vermithrax´reign, the new custom of having beetles as pets was established. (However, RainPride were far less successful with their beetles than SunPride.) Vermithrax was the first king of RainPride to explore the Arid Desert. During Ragnar´s reign, and still quite at the beginning of it, the Pride faced their darkest time to date. Ragnar was a good king, but things began to look dire. Then, under the reign of Connor the Confident, life became good again and the pride flourised. But the most notable deed Connor would be remembered for was when, in his later years, he sacrificed himself to cross Apedemak´s plans, was burned and brought back to life and became "the Phoenix". Under Ragnarök´s reign, although he was a very evil lion, things were like the days of the first king again: Life was good, but also a little challenging. Also, during this era some of the Lost Ones returned to the pride. When Heaven and Hell met in battle, Ragnarök sided with Hell. This caused RainPride and SunPride, which sided with Heaven, to be enemies for the rest of Ragnarök´s reign. Ragnarök died prematurely with 11 years 1 month when Tharision overthrew and killed him with the help of the good aligned lionesses of the pride... or rather, it was the other way round. Tharision was reluctant at first, and for almost all his life he had made clear that he did not want to become king, ever. But the pride lived more and more in fear of Ragnarök, who was known to kill lionesses he had no use for anymore. So they started an uprising and Tharision initially refused to overthrow Ragnarök, but finally let himself be swayed, killed the still much stronger Ragnarök with the help of the lionesses and accepted his role as the King-against-his-will. Under Toralf Ragnarsson´s rule, times became harder again as, totally unexpected, prey became more scarce. During Morlock´s reign, Apophis, the Serpent of Chaos, arose, and in unity with the god Seth Morlock helped defeat him. Not much later, Morlock sided with Apedemak in the Celestial War, but at the last moment, he decided to break the ritual and make Apedemak realise he was wrong. Morlock briefly died and gained the title "Resurgent". Maybe he is not all that heartless after all... But in the war between Heaven and Hell, Morlock sided with Hell. Havelock´s reign was mostly an era of prosperity, as was Arthur's. When the war between Heaven and Hell began again, king Caradoc sided with Heaven. During Kirby's, Pellinor's and Legolas' reigns, RainPride was notorious for being constantly challenged by rogues.
This den has 149 lions that may leave soon due to their low moods or starvation!

King of the Jungle Captain Archibald Haddock
Level: 16 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 1304 Territory: 245
Lionesses: 241 Beetle Slots: 14 / 20
Cubs: 67 / 1225 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 4 / 5 Subordinate Males: Thibault
Prince Sitri
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 12 lions with mutations in Captain Archibald Haddock's pride.

Captain Archibald Haddock's Player
Member ID #11352
Joined: 2013-04-27 05:17:13 Last Active: 2025-02-09 15:18:28

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Captain Archibald Haddock's Recent Allies
played by sydee // side
Level 9 - 17 lionesses - 4 cubs
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played by Shamandalie
Level 12 - 257 lionesses - 431 cubs
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played by Genocide
Level 6 - 12 lionesses - 7 cubs
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ミ★ Eodriel ★彡
played by Maxen
Level 11 - 69 lionesses - 59 cubs
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played by Azrian
Level 7 - 21 lionesses - 14 cubs
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played by Jeulica
Level 9 - 18 lionesses - 19 cubs
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