Mithrilsbane's Den

This lion has 7 happy thoughts, 3 awkward thoughts, and 4 frivolous thoughts!

As many descriptions begin, Deep into the heart of a jungle, a hidden paradise with a pristine water source in the middle and open to the bright sun in the sky and feed by a long stream from a distant river lies the domain belonging to a new king, Samil the Beast, whom ended the tyranny of Ahasuerus I [nee. Wladislav the First, nee. Samir] who had brought about nothing but death and destruction. The beauty of this hidden paradise and the strong caves that surrounded the northern side of this impressive territory as the foot of a mountain range further north, began to restore itself from the gloom of the previous reign.

Even though there was lingering shadows of the past by those who had witnessed the necessary acts committed by Samil, there was great rejoicing to start all over again.

Samil made a very handsome and powerful ruler. One that when looked upon would strike terror into hearts and would no doubt see the beginning of their end. The giant lion king had purpose to recreate a strong pride not to become like his predecessors but to be something more and better with the descendants of the lionesses of the kings and queens of old.

Note: Playing on Wolvden as well:

Krus #2563 Playing Shakti Kali

Note: This is the main account. Vadeki I is the side, and only account, belong to me and this one. They are connected in storyline.

Famous Mithrilsbane
Level: 9 Branch: Bohemian Marketplace ~Open~
Stats: 291 Territory: 70
Lionesses: 60 Beetle Slots: 0 / 9
Cubs: 66 / 350 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 4 / 4 Subordinate Males: Birger
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 9 lions with mutations in Mithrilsbane's pride.

Mithrilsbane's Player
Member ID #13310
Joined: 2013-05-21 15:14:36 Last Active: 2025-02-06 19:50:07

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7 Pregnant Lionesses

Empty Cave Slot

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Mithrilsbane's Recent Allies
played by Vadeki
Level 8 - 19 lionesses - 11 cubs
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Mateo Bloodmoon
played by CordelalaSacrifice
Level 10 - 108 lionesses - 59 cubs
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played by ParisCity
Level 12 - 51 lionesses - 17 cubs
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played by CaitlynWateres
Level 16 - 36 lionesses - 0 cubs
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Mithrilsbane's Clan Memberships
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King Dynasty

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