Shaded Sun's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!

CSS by Quake


A long time ago, a lion was sent by the moon to create a pride that would serve the gods. The king was the Moon's shadow, a fierce and brutal warrior. He was raised on his own, guided and protected by the gods. When he was matured, he took in lionesses and cubs and began forming his pride. The spirit of the sun lives in each of the pride's leaders, and when they become the ruler their name changes to have "sun" in it. To this day, the pride lives on the clouds above the ruins of an ancient temple built to the Sun and the Moon, out of sight from other lion prides and serving the gods and their pride as best as they can.

Lore and Info

Lore and Mythology:

- The Goddess, also known as the moon, chooses a select few that can join the pride if they are not the best of the best.
- Mwindaji is the Goddess of hunting.
- The Sun is the god of justice and kindness.
- The Moon is the goddess of fear and power.
- The Night is a minor god that rarely shows themself other than to occasionally curse an unborn cub. "Cursed" lions are highly treasured by the pride, and considered holy.


- The Sun's court are the most important lions of the pride. The lead caretaker, the five strongest lionesses who were chosen as the hunters of Mwindaji, and the leader's second who takes the role of king when the leader is unable.
- Every so often, a lion is born cursed by the night and has a mutation. The pride takes in those cursed, and treasures them like royalty.
- Every lion has their own role and part of the pride. No one is expendable, and if anyone becomes unnecessary, they are killed, sold, or exiled.
- Once, the naming system was different for the pride. Instead of having two names, they had one name made up of two conjoined words. The system was changed in order to honor the King Nightshadestar's lover, Full Moon.
- Those with more pride blood, who have ancestors who have been in the pride for a long time are more valued, but any skilled or genetically blessed lions are accepted.
- The pridelands are forever suspended in the twilight, a time between night and day when both moon and sun can be seen.
- The leader is the only lion ever seen from the pride that visits the lands below, other than rare occasions when lions or cubs will come down to play or train.


Feel free to offer on any lions that don't have proper names. Most cubs are sold when they reach 5 months, and any cubs named "fodder" can be offered on or claimed before they turn 5 months!

About me

➠My DeviantArt account
Any! (They/them, she/her, he/him)
➠Eastern Standard Time
➠Self-taught artist

You are walking in the forests below a cloudy sky as the sun sets below the horizon. but as it sinks lower, you have the strangest dizzy feeling. When you look around, you find yourself standing in the ruins of what looks like an old temple. Suddenly you are blinded by a bright light seemingly coming out of nowhere. When it fades, you are surrounded by several burly looking lionesses, and one with glowing eyes and a crown of flame. The ruins have disappeared, and now you seem to be standing on top of the clouds themselves.
"Very few lions find their way to the ruins of our temple." The crowned lioness says, authority in her voice.
"Can we show them around?" One of the younger lionesses asks, stepping forward.
"I suppose they can stay for a little while before their memory is erased." The one clearly in charge says. She begins walking away before beckoning to you with her tail.

Shaded Sun, the Divine
Level: 4 Branch: Cheap herbs!
Stats: 1565 Territory: 42
Lionesses: 42 Beetle Slots: 17 / 17
Cubs: 21 / 210 Grandpaw: Eclipsed Sun
Male Slots: 1 / 2 Subordinate Males: Cloudy Evening
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 26 lions with mutations in Shaded Sun's pride.

Shaded Sun's Player
Member ID #142050
Joined: 2018-03-24 06:59:17 Last Active: 2024-05-14 19:46:15

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played by Bob
Level 4 - 3 lionesses - 1 cubs
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Level 4 - 1 lionesses - 2 cubs
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Level 4 - 5 lionesses - 9 cubs
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Moonlit Glacier
played by Toki Shurazu
Level 5 - 12 lionesses - 3 cubs
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played by Sam
Level 3 - 5 lionesses - 1 cubs
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played by Max
Level 13 - 24 lionesses - 5 cubs
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