jasper's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!

key + to do list + muts

♪ - favourite to breed to
☉ - fertility not checked
✖ - infertile
☆ - very low fertility
✬ - low fertility
✶ - average fertility
✿ - good fertility
❢ - high fertility
❤ - goddess fertility
☀ - 1-15% fertility
☖ - mutation
☗ - mutation bred by the pride
➴ - younger than 10 years
↓ - older than 10 years
☼ - rare base
❥ - special base
♚ - queen

- get stats from baoball [Y]
- h u n t [Y]
- organise your den, clear out the lions you don't want [-]
- save your sb for markings/lions you want <3 [X]
- rewrite pov [Y]
-get a leopon [X]
-get 30 lion skulls [X]
- decorate all lions and get nice decor! [X]
- check if person i requested a stud to has been on [X]

dream muts.
- leopon
- polycaudal
- overgrown fur
- melanism
- dwarf

muts achieved. [ 05.10.18 ]
-piebald [ 2 ]
*light [ 1 ]
*harlequin [ 1 ]
- primals - [ 3 ]
*original [ 3 ]
- amp
*silky [ 1 ]
- achromia [ 1 ]

-+-generations of the pride-+-
generation one:
moomba & tsavi

generation two:
tate & jenar


your paws stung with the underlying strain of tiredness, creating what felt like a wind barrier, blocking you from progressing on your
journey any further. you'd take a seat away from the muddy path, your paws drenched in a thick mud, making them feel 10x heavier. your
sloppy paw prints would mark your trail as your defeated posture was greatly displayed by the fatigued expression on your face. the heavy,
damp feeling in the air made you feel incredibly uncomfortable, like an incredibly tight hug from a stranger. The area you resorted in
was framed by large, luminous trees sprinkled with flowers of pastel beauty, swaying gently in the wind. to your left, the path you were
venturing down, appeared to lead to the base of the mountain. You couldn't help but notice the large crevice which split through half of
it. the dense undergrowth appeared to stretch over you, like you had resorted in that spot for decades. despite the fatigued feeling, you
progressed towards the mountain. it was getting late ; you needed somewhere to rest, anyway. the cave looked inviting, comprehension was
far from your mind, your contented expression leading the way.

your paws stung from your long struggle up the side of the mountain, luckily, the cave wasn't too far off the base of the mountain. this
allowed you easy access towards it, you were already tired enough. the rough surface of the rocks was tinted with warmth due to the setting
sun, it was very visible from where you were perched. your posture huddled over and not at all dominant compared to your usual. your tired
eyes dozed off slightly, your mind drifting into your own, miniature, perfect world. a slight smile crept across your cheek as you
reminisced on the lionesses in your pride. the quiet singing off the birds rang in harmony with the tranquil rush of water that crept down
the side of the mountain, collecting in a large scoop which had obviously been removed from the rock in time. the current beauty of where
you sat was so amazing that you felt permanently positioned in that spot, all your cares you once knew vanishing into thin air, never
to be remembered again.

your prolonged moment of cherished silence and relaxation was soon broken by an abrupt tap on your shoulder. the sudden positioning of
movement startled you, causing you to stumble to your still aching paws. your inability to maintain a simple posture caused you to
collapse. your gaze scanned the lioness which had positioned herself in front of you prominently, a dominant posture stretching across your
vision. the lioness was scattered with streaks of black and blues, however they seemed to all stop at the white which consumed a good
portion of her markings, pastelising her appearance. your vision would scan briefly over the unknown lioness, you'd be inspecting her
every twitch as a low growl erupted from your throat as an audible show-down had occurred, a decision you'd likely regret if it
appeared this lioness had others with her. you weren't very acquainted with this area which caused no liable routes of escape. however,
after what seemed like hours your gaze met with the lioness, only to reveal her expression blank. a glint in her eye hinted of kindness,
your presence didn't seem to startle her at all. you'd step back as she progressed closer to you, she was obviously attempting to read
your current emotions. your body tensed as an inability to process anything overcame your once relaxed mind. the aura of this cove
appeared to cause you only confusion.

"your inability to process the current appearance of thy self only indicates you are new to these lands." the lionesses accent was tinted
with what appeared to be british origins, a smirk spreading across her face as she was confirmed to be in control of this situation.
you'd open your jaw to at least say a word, however, all that came out was a splutter of inaudible, stuttering syllables. a small chuckle
would be released from the lionesses gritted teeth, you were unsure of whether or not she meant harm. your unsheathed claws scratched
anxiously at the layered stone beneath you, it crumbled slightly as you were unaware of the progressions she was attempting. you
soon realised you had no autonomy and relied strongly on those around you. "your presence is unreliable, traveller, i hope your
actions are small and by no means on purpose otherwise thy will have problems." the strange voice of the lioness confused you, you
didn't really understand the vocabulary she mentioned. however, you gave a small shake of your head in an attempt to flee from your
current situation. however, as she spoke again, you knew that moment was unlikely to arrive soon. "it appears by your current
posture my presence intimidates you, obviously you don't know where you are." she'd perch herself onto the slabs of rock, patting
a mixture of dust and undergrowth off your arm as a tense feeling overcome your whole body and you winced, unable to contain your
fear. your response once again came in a stutter, inaudible phrases leaving your tongue in a raspy manner. you'd have so many things you
wanted to ask, however you didn't know how to say it. the absence of your reply caused a silence to occur, all the while the lioness
peered at you, expecting you to say something. "you're not much of a vocalist, are you?" she'd question, obviously rhetorical. once again,
she'd chuckle, "my name is tate, the pride leader of dew cove, your presence is welcome to view our pride. we will gladly allow you to
reside here. however i am unable to disclose the precise things that live in this area. i'll let you find that out." tate would snort,
leaving you in blank confusion before she head into a large cove which was dimly illuminated.

pride royalty system
rank one - the royals [ro]

rank two - [rt]

rank three - [rth]

rank four - [rf]

rank five - [rfi]

pride lore + ballad
our pride strongly believes about gods and goddesses. they have their own for many different things, they believe if they are rebelled against, the whole pride will be punished. they worship each of the gods and goddesses on set days that happen all over the year every month. these are the days:
celeste - 1st
dikela - any dry season
mira - 14th
diadra - 11th

ceremony of deciding your contact with the gods and goddesses.
- 25 sb will be donated to the giving tree.
- it will take 15 minutes to be decided.
- you must donate one carcass to each of the gods and goddesses.

the skull and bone lore.
each generation, the new king or queen will receive a skull from the past queen or king. this skull will resemble their reign on the
throne along with key parts of their personality. this lore was developed by the pride to allow the newer members and visitors to be
able to easily learn about the pride leader. this lore is verys sentimental to the pride and is never broken. they believe this
vision was granted by celeste, the goddess of all, in a thanks for their ongoing praise to her. the retiring king or queen will hunt
and make the skull or bone decoration and make it. this shows how strongly they believe that this lore will grant them positivity.

This den has lions that are aging up tomorrow - there is currently not enough territory to cope with them all!

Level: 17 Branch: fresh kill pile
Stats: 1340 Territory: 40
Lionesses: 40 Beetle Slots: 0 / 7
Cubs: 22 / 200 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 1 / 2 Subordinate Males: Pirate
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 14 lions with mutations in jasper's pride.

jasper's Player
Member ID #156145
Joined: 2018-09-01 09:04:06 Last Active: 2024-12-24 9:48:45

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0 Pregnant Lionesses

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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jasper's Recent Allies
played by Lexi
Level 5 - 4 lionesses - 18 cubs
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played by F-35
Level 5 - 6 lionesses - 5 cubs
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Roho Mantarul
played by BioGirl
Level 23 - 22 lionesses - 12 cubs
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played by Fire
Level 18 - 8 lionesses - 2 cubs
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played by Mych
Level 6 - 111 lionesses - 144 cubs
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played by bong
Level 7 - 13 lionesses - 6 cubs
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jasper's Clan Memberships

*Kripke's Weekly Raffles*

All Free Food and Toys!

Calling of the Stars

🍗 Feed Lioden 🍗

free food, toys and more

local thrift store

Muties and Stuff

Stud Buds

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



Beetle Book

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