ʙʟᴀᴢᴇ's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!


Your rainbow is slightly shaded green and indigo.


What is says about you: You are a proud person. You feel strong ties to nature and your mood changes with its cycles. Friends count on you for being honest and insightful. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

Breeding Wishlist

  • Breed a mutie of any kind ✔️
  • Breed a 1st Gen Tigon or Leopon
  • Get a high stat sub male compared to current king (at least 400 stats total) ✔️
  • Breed a cub with some sort of feline pattern marking(Rosette, Cheetah, Feline 6(Tiger stripes), Margay, Panther, doesn't matter) ✔️
  • Breed a maned lioness ✔️
  • Breed a Pie/Patches ✔️
  • Breed a Primal of any kind ✔️

Which Big Cat Are You?

I got Jaguar - Which Big Cat Are You?

You are independent, original, analytical, and determined. You have an exceptional ability to turn theories into solid plans of action. You highly value knowledge, competence, and structure and are driven to derive meaning from your visions. You are a long-range thinker. You have very high standards for your performance, and the performance of others. You are a natural leader, but will follow if you trust existing leaders.

Personality Test Results

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👑King List👑King Stats and Queen Stats👸Queen List👸
GardevoiriWeSq6km.png Date of Retirement: 10/1/2020531 Gardevoir, 948 MonaMonaEeDboWcm.pngDate of Death: 8/13/2020 Age at Death: 15 years 9 months

Pride Story
Chapter 1: Gardevoir's Start
It started like any ordinary pride, with a few lionesses and breeding them. Then, quickly, a lot of pretty lionesses came including muties. Then, within just a week, the pride numbers exploded. Since then, Gardevoir has given away a lot of his cubs and chased away or sent potatoes to the reserve. He doesn't recall the exact numbers but certainly more than 100 cubs have been bred. Then, out of desperation to breed Eleven, he sent his 4 least pretty lionesses that weren't in heat to Apedemak. He finally got her bred after 26 tries. But then he had to breed Barbie and she was at the lowest fertility he has, 2%. Understandably, he first tried to do it himself but quickly ran out of energy. So he studded Barbie to another lion and it took 62 tries. He then immediately took her to the Ultrasound Bat and found out that she's having 2 cubs. As August, the thirsty month began, he started preparing for what would become probably the most labor intensive project of his pride, breeding a first gen hybrid. His Vitiligo project is already underway. He can trust Sarafino to send him food and mood items as well as craftables when he needs them. That's how he's been getting a lot of his money actually is from Sarafino. Taffeta went into heat during the fire that hit the pride. What a coincidence that the fire hit the pride and Taffeta went into heat. He's hoping to get a pie someday from breeding his to be 2 pie lionesses.

Muties Born

Piebald (Shreds): 1 ----- Bobbed Tail: 1
Achromia: 2 ----- Mane Whiskered: 3
Patches (Shadow): 2 ----- Mane Silky: 1
Tailless: 1 ----- Mane Fluffy: 2
Folded Ears: 1 ----- Melanism: 2
Piebald (Slender): 1

King of the Jungle ʙʟᴀᴢᴇ
Level: 14 Branch: New Branch
Stats: 1124 Territory: 42
Lionesses: 40 Beetle Slots: 0 / 15
Cubs: 27 / 210 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 3 / 3 Subordinate Males: Cub
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 25 lions with mutations in ʙʟᴀᴢᴇ's pride.

ʙʟᴀᴢᴇ's Player
Member ID #200128
I2Lions [Lights Off]
Joined: 2020-04-16 20:42:26 Last Active: 2024-12-31 23:10:33

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1 Pregnant Lioness

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ʙʟᴀᴢᴇ's Recent Allies
played by Rory
Level 1 - 7 lionesses - 3 cubs
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*King Daemon Targaryen 20M!
played by Brooke(*Active)!
Level 15 - 170 lionesses - 179 cubs
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🚀 Rocketman 🚀
played by Stasiapride
Level 1 - 20 lionesses - 17 cubs
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Righteous Paw of God
played by WeeWooPoliceSiren
Level 6 - 20 lionesses - 16 cubs
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played by QueenAni
Level 11 - 40 lionesses - 17 cubs
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played by Mystira
Level 9 - 14 lionesses - 23 cubs
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ʙʟᴀᴢᴇ's Clan Memberships

*...Breed-Only Beauties...*

Breeding Projects of Lioden

Chased Graced

Colorbomb Cult


Event Enthusiasts


Primitive Primals

Purely Aesthetic

Traveler’s Guide to Lioden

Writer's Unite

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



Beetle Book

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