Egret that Preens in Stream's Den

Walking down a trail, you feel a shiver down your spine. These swamps are unfamiliar to you...maybe you should turn back. As you turn to leave, you are nearly scared to death as a lioness tackles you to the ground, claws sinking into your shoulders.

After a tense couple of moments, the lioness steps off, her tail swishing from side to side in a threatening manner. She does not attack you as you get to your paws, but looks as though she might at any moment.

"Halt there, stranger. What business do you have in our lands?"

As you explain that you are simply visiting, she heisitates, her unsheathed claws slowly sliding back in. Her eyes narrow a bit, but she no longer seems out for blood. Thankfully.

"Ah. Another traveller. How boring." The lioness shakes her head and steps back, relaxing a bit more now. "My name is Lizard that Basks in Sunlight. Don't go remembering it: introductions are only customary. You are free to travel these lands if you wish, by decree of our king. Just remember: anything you take from this place, you will pay for with your blood."

Welcome to my page! This is a safe place for any race, religion, sexuality and gender. Feel free to dm me or send a friend request, I don't bite!

Your rainbow is shaded black and red.


What is says about you: You are a passionate person. You appreciate mystery. You get bored easily and want friends who will keep up with you. You may meet people who are afraid of you.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

Level: 1 Branch: Branch lmao
Stats: 449 Territory: 40
Lionesses: 33 Beetle Slots: 10 / 16
Cubs: 5 / 200 Grandpaw: Shadow that covers the sun
Male Slots: 0 / 2 Subordinate Males: None!
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 1 / 3
There are 8 lions with mutations in Egret that Preens in Stream's pride.

Egret that Preens in Stream's Player
Member ID #200416
Unintentional Egret
Joined: 2020-04-20 00:45:04 Last Active: 2024-12-29 20:42:47

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3 Pregnant Lionesses

Empty Cave Slot

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Egret that Preens in Stream's Recent Allies

played by NotQuetzalcoatl
Level 8 - 7 lionesses - 4 cubs
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played by Quetzalcoatl(glacial pie)
Level 17 - 10 lionesses - 15 cubs
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played by Fleeter
Level 10 - 15 lionesses - 16 cubs
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played by Sleepy
Level 3 - 3 lionesses - 3 cubs
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played by watchdog
Level 12 - 14 lionesses - 26 cubs
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played by Lyca
Level 10 - 9 lionesses - 16 cubs
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Egret that Preens in Stream's Clan Memberships

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