FirmStep's Den


πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ Bi/Bigender πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
🦁Side account: N/A🦁
πŸ•’1 hr ahead of LDπŸ•’
Hi I'm Noir. Just doing my own thing, minding my business. Not a fan of wild colors or markings, I prefer semi-realistic colors (Most Creams, med + light Goldens, and some light Reds); base only or lions with a few tasteful low-opacity markings. I like clean, no inbreeding, and no heritages- except those who are of pride heritage. I will experiment with mut lions later, maybe. I focus more on the lore and writing for my pride rather than breeding, breeding, breeding... So my pride is going to stay fairly small. Most of my lionesses with hella markings or heritage are ones my pride has graciously adopted from the Tree as cubs and taken under their wing, to bolster hunting ranks or serve as broodmothers. Doing my best to keep FirmStep out of trouble at the moment, but he's an evil leaning man unfortunately. Most of the lionesses have bios, but I'm a little lazy with the cubs; the males will get chased off on their birthday anyway.
All unsorted lions are up for grabs.
Need habrodera nilotica beetles and 1 GB to clean the ketchup off CleverMoon!
Aiming for 3 caves but I'm broke, Breeding semi-randomly will lock in once I've got them.

Marula Pride

You stand atop a small grass mound, taking in the scene around you. To your left is the steep base of a large rocky hill. Dug into its side are two caves:

From one you can hear faint whispers of conversation and smell the scent of lioness trailing on a light breeze.

From the other, you hear the laughter and mewling of young cubs, followed by drawled orders of
"Stop biting your sister's tail," and "Quit kicking dirt in your brother's face."

To your right is a small clearing. There are a few lions scattered in the clearing, doing various errands: organizing and burying items and foodstuffs, counting SB, surveying the horizon for prey and rival lions, caring for beetles, and other such odd and end tasks.

Ahead of you is a large, gnarled old marula tree whose leaves extend outwards and upwards into the sun, casting dark shadows onto the terrain below. Underneath it you spy a male lion sitting assertively, enjoying the cool shade. He watches you intently.

Marula pride, as of current day, is a small pride residing at the base of a stony outcropping, where they make their dens in caves dug out between the rocks. Most of the daily activity takes place in a trampled clearing south of the caves, including the mounds where the pride's battle beetles are cared for and housed. Their namesake, the grand old marula tree, overlooks the clearing to the north/east. It is a favorite spot of the pride's kings both for the shade and the vantage point, and is the usual site for ceremonies. The pride has its own unique laws, culture, and practices which I will explain once I have nice little CSS boxes to organize it in.

Merciful FirmStep
Level: 9 Branch: Marula Market
Stats: 150 Territory: 10
Lionesses: 10 Beetle Slots: 6 / 6
Cubs: 8 / 50 Grandpaw: β€”
Male Slots: 0 / 0 Subordinate Males: None!
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 1 / 3
There are 0 lions with mutations in FirmStep's pride.

FirmStep's Player
Member ID #231944
Joined: 2021-04-07 09:43:14 Last Active: 2024-03-15 12:16:54

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0 Pregnant Lionesses

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FirmStep's Recent Allies
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King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



Beetle Book

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