GoldenGazer's Den

What is BootCamp? Well, I've noticed that some lions stats just... suck...
Not everyone has the time to get those stats up! So Bootcamp is basically a daycare (if you've ever played Pokemon) you leave a lioness with me for a bit. You tell me your goal and then we discuss a price.
👉🏻 It's sadly a trust the program so I don't blame you for not trusting this.
Payment Varies.
Enrollment Fee's
🗒️(NOTE)🗒️If your lioness goes into heat and you want to breed them I will give them back to you with no added Fee (But you will pay me what you owe so far) and then they may be added back to the program free of charge.
Stages are explained in the den itself, so go read that.

You can always talk to me about a custom plan as well :>

If you’re enrolling for the first time I recommend a yellow play. You will get your first day free of charge (including enrollment! So no fee!!) and I tell you the progress your lion made. From there you can decide if you want to stay in the program or not ❤️

❤️Red Plan: (Daily Charge)❤️
Pay per 0.1 Stage gained.
10sb for basic food and entertainment (Just enough so that they don't run away)

🧡Orange Plan: (Daily Charge)🧡
Delux Upkeep: 50SB (Your Lion will be fed & entertained to max daily. Any stats gained that day are covered by this plan. So you will not have to pay for them)

💛Yellow Plan: (Six-Day Plan)💛
Cost 350Sb for max entertainment & Hunger.
All stats gained will be covered for the six days (Active days).

💚Green Plan: (Three-day plan)💚
Cost 100Sb for max entertainment & hunger.
All stats gained during the “Green Plan” are covered.

⭐️V.I.L. Plan: (12 irl days, One-year Lioden)⭐️
⚠️Don’t purchase this plan, it’s under maintenance to be fairer ⚠️
1000 SB or 1GB
Your lion will have max entertainment and hunger daily.
They will be included in EVERY hunt possible, (Unless they run out of their 10 hunts for that day)
If you choose the VIL plan you will get one free "Red Plan" to use whenever you'd like on any Lion!!!

You pay one fee of 3GB. After you have a permanent space at ALL times! So you won’t have to wait for a space to open! Nor will I have to send your lion back due to lack of space!!! You at all times have a space for any of your lions to come and go as they please. Fed and entertained to max daily along with being a part of every hunt possible!

Benefits!!! You can purchase a Gold plan for a friend if you wish.
You can pass down a Gold plan if you no longer want it.
You can buy as many Gold plans as you want!
Reasons I won't take a lion
If it's over 10 years old I refuse.
Over 1000 Stats

Reasons for refunds
If you need to completely take your lioness out of the boot camp program for any reason permanently, If you've already paid I will pay you back the unused Upkeep charges.
I only rollover on days that I feel I can be productive. So if you are to sign up for a 10-day plan there is a chance you may not get said lion back for 11 or maybe 13.

Be sure to schedule a pickup date for your lion when they have finished boot camp!
If I need to give your lion back I will give you a week's notice. If you do not pick up your lion, chances are it will be released!
For this reason! Give me one or more trusted friends' users so I can send the lion to them so you don’t have to lose them!
If you can’t claim your lion after a plan has ended due to lack of space that is not my fault! You have limited time to clear your space before it is released! (Or given to a friend of you shared a user.)
If I run out of space I will send your lion back and You will get a refund based on how long your lion was able to stay in the program.

Leave a review on my page after you’ve had a session. Good or bad!! Will get you ten days FREE. Yes! TEN DAYS 100% free!

I hope to see you and your lions soon!!!

STILL IN DEVELOPMENT! Feel free to talk to me!
Any scars/decor that your lion earns during a hunt you will get when you receive the lioness back.

Amazing GoldenGazer
Level: 5 Branch: Stuff
Stats: 710 Territory: 40
Lionesses: 37 Beetle Slots: 10 / 18
Cubs: 20 / 200 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 2 Subordinate Males: 84% 167
Stage 00 : GlistenLeaper
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 8 lions with mutations in GoldenGazer's pride.

GoldenGazer's Player
Member ID #239847
Joined: 2021-09-08 11:14:44 Last Active: 2024-08-21 15:01:48

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0 Pregnant Lionesses

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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GoldenGazer's Recent Allies
played by RIN ~ SYLVEON
Level 8 - 21 lionesses - 12 cubs
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Billie Eilish
played by G1 Aether 11x BO
Level 1 - 74 lionesses - 15 cubs
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Ghost Hunter
played by Weeping Angel
Level 17 - 41 lionesses - 20 cubs
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played by meki1
Level 10 - 45 lionesses - 22 cubs
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GoldenGazer's Clan Memberships
None Joined

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