`,+{Rushing Waters}+,`'s Den

There is enough Snuh in this lion's den to make a Snuhlion!

This is a side account!
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Hello! gather before me-- an Elder! come, come, hear my tales of a cursed pride that ventures all the way to the beginning. Oh? You don't believe in an "Old womans wise tales", eh? My dear, these are no made-up legends and myths, simply the truth behind the land's history!

[The old lioness continues without another protest from you]

A powerful male once fought a god on these grounds, it was all for one thing. The same thing that others today still strive for, power, leverage, riches... You know the rest. Some say the God won, others say the Male won, no one can remember... But I do! I've seen the visions in dreams! No one believes me, though. All too caught up in the next 'pride project' rather than learning some of their roots, hah! Well, least you're listening... HEY! Wake up you little hooligan before I snatch you quicker than that one girl in my younger days.

[After grabbing your attention again, she cleared her throat.]

Neither of the two won, a division slipped between them. A lesser Goddess known as ๐‹๐ฎ๐œ๐ซ๐ข๐ฌ, the youngest daughter of the opposing God. She looked angered at her father and at the nomad. Feeling disgust for both at their reckless actions, always choosing violence as their number one go too-! She cursed both her father and the male, the God being deprived of his sight and heart due to his blinded rage and bitterness. The nomadic male however, he lost his strength. His blood now carried weakness instead of power he once had, he was destined to pass these genes down. His bones being brittle despite his body looking young and in its prime.

Years passed since then, in fact it's been... three... no, no... 30,000 years since, and it's said that the blood line still runs strong in the lands with that curse, who knows... Maybe a descendant in this pride is a carrier of poor genes. Oh? Who am I? Well, hun. I'm just some old bat who can't keep her mouth shut... But, you can call me ๐‹๐ฎ๐œ๐ข๐š๐ง๐ฌ...

HTML by Quake#69866

Level: 5 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 315 Territory: 11
Lionesses: 8 Beetle Slots: 1 / 6
Cubs: 11 / 55 Grandpaw: โ€”
Male Slots: 1 / 2 Subordinate Males: rusty
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 1 / 3
There is 1 lion with mutations in `,+{Rushing Waters}+,`'s pride.

`,+{Rushing Waters}+,`'s Player
Member ID #289862
Joined: 2022-05-31 19:39:21 Last Active: 2024-12-17 9:55:03

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0 Pregnant Lionesses

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`,+{Rushing Waters}+,`'s Recent Allies
played by Smorgasborg
Level 16 - 22 lionesses - 15 cubs
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played by PissGamer
Level 8 - 30 lionesses - 23 cubs
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played by Frozen Mist
Level 7 - 25 lionesses - 10 cubs
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