☽⊰MoonWatcher⊱☾'s Den

This lion has 16 happy thoughts, 11 awkward thoughts, and 16 frivolous thoughts!

Hello and Welcome to ☽⊰MoonWatcher⊱☾ 's territory :) I'm very friendly and love to talk to people. I try my hardest to keep all my lions clean with no inbreeding but there's always those really lovely looking lads/ladies that I find. I will tolerate absolutely ZERO hate towards me or friends/clan mates. If your apart of 3 or more clans I'm in, you get one free studding and the rest are half off! ^-^
I am the creator of Mutie Surprise party!
If you have any questions or concerns please DM me
slowly working on an heir
mainly looking for g1
pay 150hs ( 5 yohimbe barks) to 🍒 therapy | 3.19.21 rlc ID 209099
pay 120hs (idk what they want) to Lunaire ID 353972
if im repeatedly using your king to stud dw! that means i really like em and want to get a possible heir from em!

I've been very inactive for a bit but I'm back!
Things About Me!
I absolutely love anime! Can you guess which one is my fav? (Unlimited refunded studs if guessed correctly!) i delete correct guesses btw!
I have a cat named Ipswich and a ball python named mochi!
Fav shows/movies: The Dragon Prince. How To Train Your Dragon. Tons more but to lazy to list em all👻
Fav Animals: snakes. Big Cats. Foxes. Wolves
Things I play: lioden. COD. creatures of sonaria(Roblox). Path of Titians. Pressure(Roblox)
This den has 6 lions that may leave soon due to their low moods or starvation!
This den has lions that are aging up tomorrow - there is currently not enough territory to cope with them all!

Level: 8 Branch: 🥞waffle makers shop🥞
Stats: 269 Territory: 40
Lionesses: 28 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 42 / 200 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 2 Subordinate Males: StarGazer
⚙️ Viktor ⚙️
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 27 lions with mutations in ☽⊰MoonWatcher⊱☾'s pride.

☽⊰MoonWatcher⊱☾'s Player
Member ID #321348
🥞waffle maker🥞
Joined: 2022-07-21 19:42:31 Last Active: 2025-02-17 16:50:17

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1 Pregnant Lioness

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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☽⊰MoonWatcher⊱☾'s Recent Allies
👻 Spooky 👻
played by SpookyBish
Level 12 - 67 lionesses - 90 cubs
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played by Niftynights
Level 8 - 39 lionesses - 25 cubs
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played by N0cturn4l
Level 5 - 24 lionesses - 19 cubs
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played by Valk (Dm me the word pie)
Level 12 - 14 lionesses - 1 cubs
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🌌Lunar Eclipse🌌
played by 🖤🩵Tots🩵🖤
Level 12 - 47 lionesses - 106 cubs
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played by Grimfox
Level 6 - 183 lionesses - 206 cubs
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☽⊰MoonWatcher⊱☾'s Clan Memberships

Adopt a Newbie

Bread Cult

Clean Line Felines

Clefties ❤️

🌿 mossy moggies !

🍗 Feed Lioden 🍗

💎 Rampant Rosettes 💎

🥭Mango's Wonderful Raffles

Hybrid Trait Laboratory

Jag In The Box!




Lioden's Soup Kitchen

Money Hungry

Mutie Surprise Party!

Muties for Newbies!

Night Owls of Lioden

Noobies Get Muties

Patches,PatchesAndMore Patches

Pies, pies and more pies!

Pride of Pressure

Real Good Raffles!

Roar of Duty

Stud Buds

The Tea Party

Whisper's Wares

~|The Giving Lily|~

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



Beetle Book

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