Monsieur Marius II's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!

She / Her
Howdy hey! Got hooked on this game not too long ago. Below I have information on my current game goals and what the labels on my lions mean.

My main focus are patches and piebald's. I have two accounts and this one is dedicated to patches. I'm currently going through and weeding out individuals who do not match these criteria. I still aim for genetic diversity and a clean heritage does not matter much to me as long as there is as little inbreeding as possible. My naming theme started out a Les Misérables theme but then I ran out of names. Now my naming theme is simply French. I am not French but here we are!

Any lion named "Discard" will be discarded at my early convenience. Cubs and adolescents will be run off while lionesses will be sold for a reasonable price. Any additional characteristics that appeal to me will be indicated right after their name:
B = Base type | G = Genetic type | E = Eyes
Mt = Mane type | Mc = Mane color | F = Feature or mutation

In their descriptions, all lions have their karma orientation followed by how attached I am to them (unknown, like, really like, keep), followed by the number of markings indicated by ! and the number of unknown markings indicated by ?
Any lion with "Unknown", "Like", or "Really Like" in the description is a lion that I'm unsure if I want to keep and may be willing to trade.
Unknown = really unsure if I want to keep, probably won't ask for much to trade
Like = like enough to hold on to for at least a little while, but willing to trade if feels equal
Really Like = genuinely like this lion but there is probably a common trait that I'm not happy with, willing to part with for a fair trade
Keep = very unlikely I'll part with this lion

If you are wondering what the letters at the end of their description mean, they describe their genetic relation to the current king of the account.
O = offspring | S = sibling | UR = unrelated

I also have notes in lioness's bio as to their relations to my two kings for my two accounts. This is Marius's account focusing on patches mutations. The other is Napolean's account focusing on piebalds.

Notable Lion Monsieur Marius II
Level: 7 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 372 Territory: 37
Lionesses: 35 Beetle Slots: 6 / 6
Cubs: 26 / 185 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 0 / 2 Subordinate Males: None!
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 8 lions with mutations in Monsieur Marius II's pride.

Monsieur Marius II's Player
Member ID #428090
Joined: 2023-03-15 16:41:02 Last Active: 2024-05-09 15:55:13

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5 Pregnant Lionesses

Empty Cave Slot

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Monsieur Marius II's Recent Allies
Napoleon Bonaparte II
played by Astraea 2
Level 6 - 6 lionesses - 9 cubs
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played by Vand 2 ♠️💜🤍
Level 10 - 42 lionesses - 35 cubs
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played by Elliot
Level 1 - 3 lionesses - 6 cubs
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played by Vand 🖤🩶🤍💜
Level 13 - 68 lionesses - 76 cubs
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played by WarriorWolfeh [clean G5 ferus]
Level 23 - 114 lionesses - 122 cubs
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played by Synesi
Level 9 - 12 lionesses - 11 cubs
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Monsieur Marius II's Clan Memberships
None Joined

King Dynasty

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