ionic's Den

There is enough Snuh in this lion's den to make a Snuhlion!

too late to turn back now.

an introduction, hello!

hello! call me jamie. i go by he or she, idrm.

trades // event items!

i often sell event items the first week at the beginning of the event month! but i will always have them up in my branch, if they're not they're then they will be in my trades!

i sell lions and muties too, if you'd like to ask about a lion and if it's up for sale, then just shoot me a message! if i don't get back to you, then that means i'm most likely asleep or considering your offer (if you make one)!

Famous ionic
Level: 10 Branch: ♡ the nightosphere
Stats: 172 Territory: 11
Lionesses: 7 Beetle Slots: 2 / 6
Cubs: 7 / 55 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 2 Subordinate Males: Dark Brown|3m|161|G5
Pied Tobiano
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 1 / 3
There are 8 lions with mutations in ionic's pride.

ionic's Player
Member ID #430284
Joined: 2023-03-28 12:57:00 Last Active: 2024-09-02 15:14:06

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0 Pregnant Lionesses

Empty Cave Slot

Empty Cave Slot

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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ionic's Recent Allies
Ciemny Wschód
played by Agatimus
Level 15 - 107 lionesses - 93 cubs
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played by O873O2
Level 7 - 11 lionesses - 21 cubs
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