Quailcat's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!

Boiled Quail EggStep 1: Place eggs in the bottom of a saucepan. Be sure not to crowd the eggs in the pan. They should fit comfortably.

Step 2: Fill the pan with cold water, 1 inch above the eggs.

Step 3: Bring the water to a rapid boil on the stovetop over high heat.

Step 4: Once the water comes to a boil, cover the pan with a lid and remove the pan from the heat. Do not lift the lid. Set a timer for the type of boiled egg you want, from 4 minutes to 12 minutes.

Step 5: Fill a large bowl with ice and water.

Step 6: When the eggs reach the desired cooking time, use tongs to remove the eggs from the hot water and immerse gently into the prepared ice water to cool, about 10 minutes.

Step 7: Gently tap the eggs against a hard surface and peel away the shell. Rinse the egg under cold water to remove any bits of shell and pat dry.

This den has 35 lions that may leave soon due to their low moods or starvation!

King of the Jungle Quailcat
Level: 13 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 348 Territory: 40
Lionesses: 34 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 11 / 200 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 1 / 1 Subordinate Males: pine
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 1 / 3
There are 7 lions with mutations in Quailcat's pride.

Quailcat's Player
Member ID #430674
Joined: 2023-03-30 21:31:03 Last Active: 2025-01-03 18:58:02

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0 Pregnant Lionesses

Empty Cave Slot

Empty Cave Slot

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Quailcat's Recent Allies
Tenjo VI
played by Beans
Level 19 - 33 lionesses - 6 cubs
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played by saints
Level 9 - 26 lionesses - 16 cubs
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Quailcat's Clan Memberships
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