There is enough Snuh in this lion's den to make a Snuhlion!

♦️ She/They ♦️

I am from a Russian-speaking country, but I know English, although not very well
🦋 Just started to understand the game 🦋

A little about my taste preferences about prints / colors of lions :
-I don't like rainbow (my personal opinion)
-I don't like it when there are a lot of colors that don't match
-I love different prints and pretty mane/wool shapes

🌿 I love the décor in the form of animals and landscape backgrounds 🌿

Dreamboat of Ladies TYMAH
Level: 12 Branch: Idk what is it
Stats: 1320 Territory: 40
Lionesses: 29 Beetle Slots: 1 / 9
Cubs: 10 / 200 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 2 Subordinate Males: ° × Вздор × °
Млечный путь
Frozen Slots: 0 / 2 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 8 lions with mutations in TYMAH's pride.

TYMAH's Player
Member ID #438941
Joined: 2023-05-27 21:53:23 Last Active: 2024-04-22 6:21:17

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6 Pregnant Lionesses

Empty Cave Slot

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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TYMAH's Recent Allies
played by NightRaven
Level 13 - 50 lionesses - 10 cubs
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*King Ukame Glass 20M!
played by Brooke(*Ukame G3 Ferus)!
Level 13 - 158 lionesses - 135 cubs
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played by Beleclavari
Level 11 - 14 lionesses - 2 cubs
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Memory Used: 810.15 KB - Queries: 41 - Query Time: 0.06183 - Total Time: 1.00384s