Salienceface's Den

This lion has 18 happy thoughts, 8 awkward thoughts, and 16 frivolous thoughts!

You have now entered the domain of Salienceface.

' ' He, she, who, or it that is non my kind nor kin that comes into my territory or crosses paths with me shall be persecuted. ' '

Despite the rather desolate and lifeless seeming place, he places his upmost meticulous attention to his lionesses and cubs. The decisions he makes are relatively simple viewed to him, as he enacts them to ensure safety and protect his pride. Although they may be viewed as harsh, injusticed, or cruel; he decides them without hesitation for the sake of his kin.

In his pride, ALL the females; lionesses, adolescents, and cubs feast first. His subordinate, heir, and himself shall feast on what remains.

"The First Heir" is named his successor, and will ascend to head male of the pride if Salienceface retires or dies in any dilemma. But you may notice or wonder why did a felidae such as Salienceface appoint another felidae whom is not of his own blood? It is because Salienceface recognizes that his genetics is, in simpler terms, is undeseriable. He is still a civilized mane, and has enough bit of morality to refuse to subjecting any cubs to his poor traits.

Salienceface is a strict, no-nonsense lion. He is seen as a brute and cold-blooded killer, but it is difficult being in an authorative role as his, responsible for many lives and mouths to feed. Civilization is sometimes not an option, resulting to methods rather frowned upon. He makes decisions that will mostly benefit his pride, no matter the cost or his reputation regarding him. He will not hesitate to sacrafice to protect his own or tolerate any tresspassers on his territory.

*The pride's domain and lore will change drastically depending on who rules or is in charge as it moves forward.*

Salienceface, the Deathlord of the Jungle
Level: 12 Branch: Sellable Trinkets
Stats: 234 Territory: 40
Lionesses: 17 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 19 / 200 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 0 / 2 Subordinate Males: None!
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 6 lions with mutations in Salienceface's pride.

Salienceface's Player
Member ID #446223
Joined: 2023-07-31 11:23:49 Last Active: 2025-02-02 21:45:03

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6 Pregnant Lionesses

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Salienceface's Recent Allies
✧ Serenity.
played by ✦ `Lillith. [FROZEN]
Level 2 - 15 lionesses - 6 cubs
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played by TheRottenWitch|12BO G2 slender
Level 10 - 18 lionesses - 3 cubs
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Corbeau Desiderius.
played by ☥ } Vixen/Vix.
Level 11 - 53 lionesses - 4 cubs
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