Soul Eater's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!

If you really wanna make my day, I am looking for a pink blanket dwarf decor


You have wandered into unfamiliar territory. The land is covered in blood in most areas. You can see food stores piled high outside of three caves. Suddenly, there are footsteps behind you. You turn and see an angry shaggy beast. You realize this is a primal king. He bares his teeth, "How dare you enter my lands?"

(Soul Eater, current king: Soul Eater is the grandson of this pride's first king, Rowle. Rowle could be ferocious, he covered the land in blood - of enemies, prey, challengers, and pride members that fell out of his favor. Soul Eater's grandmother, Iris, was as harsh as his grandfather. Their dark natures created Spark, Soul Eater's mother. She was brutal and unforgiving. Soul Eater's father was a mystery to him. Surrounded by evil brutality paired with his primality, Soul Eater became a formidable lion - all teeth and claws and no forgiveness. He bested his older male relative, Prion, to gain the throne.
Now, as he rules, he realizes he must move the pride. Rowle's bloodlust has changed their pridelands into a wasteland. He will move the pride somewhere better and learn from his grandfather's mistakes. On his journeys to find a more suitable place, he is followed by a bird blessed by Shaman Omen. Where the bird lands, they will stay.)

(Rowle, first king: Rowle left his pride hoping to become a fair and just king. He wanted to create a pride full of kind, gentle, golden lionesses with lots of little cubs running around. But as time has gone on, Rowle has fallen further and further into darkness. The battle between Rowle's morals and desire for power is evident. He attempts to strike fear in his enemies and rule his land with an iron fist, but he wants to show his friends and family love and be gentle with his cubs.)


Hiya! I am Luna - she/they - 22 yrs old - I hope you enjoyed my lil intro above. I'm new here and figuring things out. If you have any tips, please send them my way! Also! If you need food, lmk - I usually have some extra bodies lying around (morbid, yikes) and feel free to give me lions you don't want anymore (as long as I have the space of course)

Looking to buy lions? Check the "Check us out!" den! I chase these lions after they have been up for trade for 5 -10 days.

I am on less often than I used to be, but I am getting back into a routine!

Soul Eater, the Lone Wanderer
Level: 10 Branch: Luna's wares
Stats: 431 Territory: 40
Lionesses: 34 Beetle Slots: 16 / 16
Cubs: 16 / 200 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 1 / 2 Subordinate Males: Prion, the Prince
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 4 lions with mutations in Soul Eater's pride.

Soul Eater's Player
Member ID #449982
Joined: 2023-09-08 10:21:47 Last Active: 2024-06-07 7:54:12

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2 Pregnant Lionesses

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Soul Eater's Recent Allies
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