Astraious's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!

Welcome welcome! I'm Tangent, She/Her Pronouns, Ace, and I accept all Friend Requests!

I found this game through a friend on Discord, as well as Wolvden, and am having fun figuring out the mechanics.

Feel free to send me random things, from "Useless" items to extra cubs/lions you just wanna get rid of, and I'll happily trade things with you for funsies lol! If you want one of my Lions, message me first before sending a Trade! Some of them are part of my "Plotline" and some are just cute freebies I've gotten, so I will let you know if they're available and for what! Or if you wanna breed your stud to one of my Lionesses for a specific cub, just message me and I can save a heat for you, no worries! I'll even take all the Unwanted cubs, no problem lol!

NOTE!! Almost all of my Lionesses are up for Breeding! All of them are set to their LOWEST breeding cost! Only Rule is that I get all Unwanted Cubs! Also, if a Lioness says "Saved For" in the Breeding Rules, it means that that person has first dibs, always! You can still send in a breeding request, but if that person requested first, than they get that Heat! Usually these people either gave me the Lioness in Question or are one of my Friends who basically called Dibs lol. Friends also get First over Strangers!

NOTE THE SECOND!! I have a LOT of cats in my $$The Bazaar$$ Cave! THEY ARE ALL AVAILABLE! If you click through and find one or more you'd like, MAKE AN OFFER! GB, SB, Food, Decor, Apps, Craftables, WHATEVER YOU WANT OR ARE ABLE! I tend to put them up for trade at about 50 SB but that's not the lowest I'll go, but plz know I DO Chase them if they're still in my Pride when they hit adulthood or are about to and I don't have space. Srsly, just private message me their IDs/links and I'll take whatever you want for them lol!! No limits!

HMU if you just wanna chat, too! I'm game! ^-^

Let's all have fun together!

Completed Goals!
Gray and Purple Bedlah!
Applicator: Red Lace
Feathered Leg Wraps - Guineafowl
Applicator: Blue Lace
Honey Bush Crown
Feather Body Ornaments [Fabulous]
Grace of the King Cheetah App
Glass Shard Necklace (x3)
Jewelry: Moonlight Bedlah
Leafy Sarong
Eye Applicator: Bismuth
Caracal Skull Necklace
Background: Under the Tree
Applicator: Citron Markings
Finespun Hyena Bodywear [Melanistic]

Current goals!
Craft the Guernsey Lily Garland

What I Have/Need
8/ 20 Guernsey Lily [1]

Next goal!
Craft the Exposed Shiny Black Rocks (Background)


RIP Hippolyta, my OG Mistress of War. May your Heiress and First Daughter, Antiope, bring you pride as the new Mistress of War, General of the Armies of Olympus

Aztec Knight Astraious
Level: 8 Branch: Hephaestus's Shop
Stats: 227 Territory: 190
Lionesses: 190 Beetle Slots: 8 / 9
Cubs: 129 / 950 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 13 / 14 Subordinate Males: Apollo
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 5 / 5
There are 20 lions with mutations in Astraious's pride.

Astraious's Player
Member ID #458784
Joined: 2023-12-14 21:27:40 Last Active: 2024-05-14 16:27:22

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11 Pregnant Lionesses

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Astraious's Recent Allies
played by Vesso655
Level 8 - 26 lionesses - 14 cubs
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Aneria, Frost King
played by Bambi
Level 8 - 31 lionesses - 16 cubs
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played by LaikaFlash
Level 7 - 35 lionesses - 3 cubs
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Redwood of Suna
played by 🐝--☆Bee☆--🐝
Level 30 - 58 lionesses - 41 cubs
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The Little Whiskey Lover
played by Grib
Level 8 - 26 lionesses - 1 cubs
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played by Tyr
Level 10 - 17 lionesses - 15 cubs
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Astraious's Clan Memberships


+ Lioden United +

•●Ecstatic 4 Events●•

✧|Raffle Muts|✧

Chased Graced

Cotton Candy Lions

🍗 Feed Lioden 🍗

💎 Rampant Rosettes 💎

Endless River

Friends & Dens

Giveaway Groupies

Heavenly Karma

Holy Hybrids!

Legion of Lioden

Lex's Decor Store

Lioden's Pantheon of God's

local thrift store

Money Hungry

Mutie Adoption Center

Muties for all!

Nifty Neutrals

Night Owls of Lioden

Out and About

Patches,PatchesAndMore Patches

Pies, pies and more pies!

Primitive Primals

Purely Aesthetic

Rare items for all!

Real Good Raffles!

Real Good Raffles! - Decor

Shaded Shadows

Stud Buds


The Soup Store

The Winter Blessing’s

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



Beetle Book

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