Abarai's Den

There is a small chance on this user's next breeding within their pride that their lioness will go on a date with a jaguar instead... This boost is active for the next 5 breedings!

This lion has 26 happy thoughts, 17 awkward thoughts, and 35 frivolous thoughts!

CSS is a work in progress...

LIODEN says I'm online when I'm not, dunno why. Do not believe the status.
3 hours ahead of LIODEN time.

I'm Ivan. A he/him-er, I dunno. My very well-hidden secret is that I am a BLEACH fan. Yes, I know, very surprising. I do like LIODEN but actually playing it is very difficult, 'cause I forget. As a warning, I have ADHD and social anxiety, do with that as you will, but I'll probably not respond to roleplays because they make me irrationally nervous LMAO

I have some goals for this game. I think.
1 Cimmerians.
2: To get more cool lionesses for fun.
3: To finish the damn Jaglion quest.
4: To get more primals. And also a jaglion.
5: To figure out how to change the font here without breaking everything else. Probably won't happen.
6: To play through a full year once and then probably forget to pick it up for 4 months after.

2025 UPDATE: After a short hiatus (I totally didn't forget about this site), I'm gonna get back on the LIODEN grind. Still won't be playing too seriously, but I'll be doing something...

As a warning, I don't care if my lions are dirty/clean, so there'll possibly be some mixtures. However, if you have a preference and we're doing a trade, lmk so I can make sure I don't make a whoopsie lol

This den has 5 lions that may leave soon due to their low moods or starvation!

Total Chad Abarai
Level: 11 Branch: X
Stats: 455 Territory: 40
Lionesses: 34 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 7 / 200 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 1 / 2 Subordinate Males: 👍
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 2 lions with mutations in Abarai's pride.

Abarai's Player
Member ID #468762
Joined: 2024-03-04 15:24:32 Last Active: 2025-02-14 12:23:22

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2 Pregnant Lionesses

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Abarai's Recent Allies
played by ♡ButttNuggett♡
Level 20 - 63 lionesses - 33 cubs
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played by Ivan
Level 5 - 6 lionesses - 4 cubs
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ℜ𝔬𝔠ӄ𝔞𝔅ყ𝔢 𝔅𝔞𝔟𝔢
played by Purrl
Level 11 - 48 lionesses - 16 cubs
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played by Zack
Level 17 - 46 lionesses - 8 cubs
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played by Emrys ( He Him )
Level 2 - 55 lionesses - 24 cubs
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Delilah Tómasdóttir
played by Ataru || g1 constellation
Level 11 - 64 lionesses - 85 cubs
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Abarai's Clan Memberships
None Joined

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