Endron's Den

This Den is pretty warm and clean right now.

15 hours ahead of Lioden time!!
If you have any high stat (200+) adol/adult lionesses that you don't want anymore, send me a dm and I might get her since I'm low on hunters.
My payment options:
1sb = 2 stats
1 elephant carcass use = 20 stats
1 amusement use = 10 stats
You have to dm me for any other payment options or I could do like a mixed payment like:
- 75sb + 3 uses of an elephant carcass
- 5 carcass uses + 10 amusement uses
If you have any males you want to turn into your next king, you can send them to me and I will try my best to raise his training/stat levels before he's an adult.
Depending on how i do, is how much you pay me.
If I get:
Anything below 75% and I will refund you the cost of your lion.
75% training = 100sb
100% training = 120sb
Discounts available:
- Newbie, anyone on their first king/joined in the past 4 months (15sb)
- Repeat customers, anyone who has used this service before (25sb)
- Reffered, if you have been referred by someone (20sb)
You must fill out this form though:

Age (including months):
Price of your lion/how much you'd sell it for:
How you intend to pay (only if you don't want to pay sb):
Reason you want this service:
Any other info:



Base Coat Colours:
❌ -None in my pride:(
❓ - Its complicated
☑ - In my pride but not by related
✅ - In my pride and related

-Red Cub (Acacia or Redwood) ☑
-Orange Cub (Anjeer or Rust) ☑
-Yellow Cub (Saffron or Dandelion) ☑
-Green Cub (Green) ☑
-Blue Cub (Arctic, Blue Poinsettia or Snowflake) ❓
*I have a Blue Poinsettia + Glacial Applicator but I don't know who to put it on
-Purple Cub (Cassis) ☑
-Pink Cub (Beet, Ardor or Azlea) ❌
Generally any coat colour as long as its unnatural and/or vibrant

- Double Uterus ❌
- Leopon❌
- Tigon ❌
- Jaglion ❌
- Any lethals ❌
-Piebald (on my other acc)☑
- Primal Fangs ☑
I want literally anything

Good Natured Endron
Level: 7 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 90 Territory: 14
Lionesses: 6 Beetle Slots: 3 / 6
Cubs: 4 / 70 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 1 / 1 Subordinate Males: Place Holder Sub
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 1 / 3
There are 0 lions with mutations in Endron's pride.

Endron's Player
Member ID #499474
Hylee (DM me the word pie)
Joined: 2024-11-30 07:26:49 Last Active: 2024-12-27 11:44:23

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⛔ Block Member ➕ Friend Request

3 Pregnant Lionesses

Empty Cave Slot

Empty Cave Slot

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

This lion has been attacked recently.

They can be attacked again in 24 minutes.

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Endron's Recent Allies
played by Hylee
Level 6 - 8 lionesses - 22 cubs
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Endron's Clan Memberships

Money Hungry

raffle & combo base enthusiasm

Strawberry's Delights!

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



Beetle Book

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