Rae Rysinthorn's Den

This lion has 103 happy thoughts, 26 awkward thoughts, and 95 frivolous thoughts!

+2 Lioden Time

Still very new and learning the game so be patient with me please :)

Call me Rebel, like my account name, or Rian, like my nickname, I don't care which one. I use he/they pronouns (most of the time, my gender is weird), and as for my sexuality, I don't even know. It's all over the place, kind of like my gender... I guess I identify as confused, or maybe a god of chaos.

I'm a massive bookworm, and really like Warrior Cats (but only from The Prophecy Begins to A Vision of Shadows), Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and Wings of Fire (although I've only read a few). My current book recommendation is Fifteen Dogs by Andre Alexis. Other interests of mine include the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, drawing and writing stories of my own.

As for Lioden, I'm still unsure how generations work in this game, and I'm quite confused on other things like what forum format is used (HTML?). My goal is to obtain one of any kind of Primal, as well as to achieve Dreamboat status.

I came here from a pet site called Xanje when I was bored and looking for similar games. I tried Mweor, Wolvden and a few others, but this is definitely my favourite of the new ones I've tried. My Xanje username is the same as my screen name here, in case anyone else happens to be on there too!

Amazing Rae Rysinthorn
Level: 9 Branch: Rae's Rags
Stats: 166 Territory: 23
Lionesses: 23 Beetle Slots: 12 / 12
Cubs: 22 / 115 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 3 Subordinate Males: Lysander
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 1 / 3
There are 2 lions with mutations in Rae Rysinthorn's pride.

Rae Rysinthorn's Player
Member ID #506337
Joined: 2025-01-16 18:29:53 Last Active: 2025-02-21 17:18:14

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7 Pregnant Lionesses

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Rae Rysinthorn's Recent Allies
played by Rian
Level 5 - 8 lionesses - 14 cubs
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