Aradoni's Den

This lion has 8 happy thoughts, 1 awkward thoughts, and 4 frivolous thoughts!

This is the home of SunPride. It is a wide, grassy plain with a formation of flat rocks on a hill, where the pride lives. Its inhabitants are referred to as "SunPriders" or sometimes "Southerners". Some also call them "Sunlanders" after the climate of their territory. Since Inkosi´s later days also sometimes as "SummerPride". To the northern border, there is a chain of hills which separates the territory to the neighbouring territory of their befriended neighbours, RainPride.
SunPride houses all the "warm" pelt colors, like all goldens, browns, copper, mahogany, fiery, inferno, auburn, ginger and prune, but also light colors like white and albino. Basically it is mainly the golden and red color groups.

Current king: Aradoni
Former kings:
Janabi the Blind (reached level 16, 627 stats and the title "Dreamboat of Ladies")
Okavango (reached level 17, 849 stats and the title "Prince of the Savannah")
Tau the Sun King (reached level 16, 876 stats and the title "Prince of the Savannah")
Moto Blazeflame (reached level 18, 975 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Wekundu (reached level 19, 1167 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Castor the Patient (reached level 19, 1436 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Pollux the Blind (reached level 21, 1763 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Siwatu (reached level 19, 1611 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Inkosana the Blind (reached level 19, 1622 stats and the title "Heavenly")
Inkosi the Humble (reached level 18, 1472 stats and the title "Holy"; retired prematurely with 12 years 8 months)
Hedaya (reached level 18, 1575 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Hamana (reached level 17, 1522 stats and the title "the Phoenix")
Abayomi the Fiery (reached level 16, 1442 stats and the title "King of the Jungle"; retired prematurely with 12 years 4 months)
Ineluki (reached level 16, 1337 stats and the title "King of the Jungle"; retired prematurely with 11 years 11 months)
Edumanzayo (reached level 21, 2002 stats and the title "Deathlord of the Jungle")
Endymion the Humble (reached level 22, 2142 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Sutheki (reached level 21, 2042 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Kiongozi the Patient (reached level 14, 1330 stats and the title "King of the Jungle"; retired prematurely)
Jiriki (reached level 16, 1497 stats and the title "Prince of the Savannah"; retired prematurely)
Emberion von Goldwein the Blinded (reached level 20, 1724 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Askari the Heartless (reached level 20, 1646 stats and the title "Deathlord of the Jungle")
Kitendo (reached level 15, 1531 stats and the title "Prince of the Savannah"; retired prematurely)
Valhano (reached level 15, 1023 stats and the title "Prince of the Savannah"; retired prematurely)
Kabirizi (reached level 15, 1247 stats and the title "Dreamboat of Ladies"; retired prematurely)
Vindaomeyo (reached level 20, 1460 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Damukano (reached level 13, 1062 stats and the title "Dreamboat of Ladies"; retired prematurely)
Manukato (reached level 14, 1021 stats and the title "Dreamboat of Ladies")
Aseo (reached level 13, 1359 stats and the title "Prince of the Savannah")
Sarpedon (reached level 15, 1058 stats and the title "King of the Jungle")
Queens: Idayimani, Bastet
Former Queens: Xariani, Sesizi, Ilanga (the Queen of Fire), Sirharasi, Fari, Mela, Sepolia, Alima, Thamani, Sinyada, Twiga, Gersemi, Sironi, Kassandra the Blind, Neochori, Korissia, Mastichari, Elysia, Shiantara (manakbir), Gialiskari, Tahili, Hestia, Katheni
Heir: Makkede
Lead Huntress:

A little bit of Pride history:
SunPride was founded by its first king, Janabi. Times were often hard but also good, and under his sucessor, Okavango, the pride had its most dramatic times to date, having to fight several battles for their survival. Then, under Tau the Sun King, Moto Blazeflame and Wekundu, times were mostly prosperous, and the pride flourished. But now, there seem to be darker days ahead again... During Castor´s reign, times were indeed a bit harder again, especially towards the end of his rule. During Pollux´reign, the new custom of having beetles as pets was established. Pollux was the first king of SunPride to explore the Arid Desert. During Siwatu´s reign, the Pride faced their darkest time to date. Siwatu was a good king, but things began to look dire. When the following king, Inkosana, was blinded in battle, he became SunPrides third blind king. Under his reign, life became good again and the pride prospered. But the most notable event in Inkosana´s reign was when he helped Menhit to ascend the Heavenly Throne and earned the title "Heavenly". Under Inkosi´s reign things were like the days of the first king again: Life was good, but also a little challenging. Also, during this era some of the Lost Ones returned to the pride. When Heaven and Hell met in battle, Inkosi sided with Heaven. This caused SunPride and RainPride, who´s king Ragnarök sided with Hell, to be enemies for the rest of Ragnarök´s reign. Under Hedaya´s rule, times became harder again as, totally unexpected, prey became more scarce. During Hamana´s reign, Apophis, the Serpent of Chaos, arose, and in unity with the goddess Bast Hamana helped defeat him. And not too long after that, Hamana helped Apollyon defeat Apedemak, died in the flames and was brought back to life, from then on to be called "Hamana, the Phoenix". Hamana also had more cubs outside the pride than any other SunPride king before him. The following king, Abayomi the Fiery, sided with Heaven in the battle between Heaven and Hell. Ineluki´s reign was an age of prosperity. Edumanzayo was SunPride´s first Primal king, its first evil king and its strongest king to date. Endymion's reign was one of peace and quiet. He grew to be even more powerful than Edumanzayo. Sutheki was the last king to get to help Menhit. Kiongozi's reign was the shortest of any king so far. He retired prematurely after just a few years. King Emberion von Goldwein died during his mission to help Bast defeat the Serpent of Chaos, being replaced by his heir, Askari the Heartless. Askari would have preferred a warrior god like Seth, but went with Bast anyway. King Kitendo began the great journey to Vredefort Crater.
This den has lions that are aging up tomorrow - there is currently not enough territory to cope with them all!

Majestic Aradoni
Level: 12 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 913 Territory: 255
Lionesses: 244 Beetle Slots: 22 / 26
Cubs: 431 / 1275 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 12 / 12 Subordinate Males: Mchanga
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 33 lions with mutations in Aradoni's pride.

Aradoni's Player
Member ID #9434
Joined: 2013-04-10 07:06:56 Last Active: 2025-02-01 17:07:29

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Aradoni's Recent Allies
Captain Archibald Haddock
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Level 16 - 246 lionesses - 67 cubs
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Sinister II.
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Level 6 - 27 lionesses - 8 cubs
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played by Space-Project
Level 1 - 3 lionesses - 0 cubs
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Level 9 - 12 lionesses - 2 cubs
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played by Flitch💫
Level 16 - 49 lionesses - 25 cubs
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played by mohatu77
Level 17 - 20 lionesses - 11 cubs
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