aмanaтн's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!

Ranks of the Pride:

King: The overall ruler of the pride. Everything must go through him first, and he makes the final decisions when it comes to his pride's well-being. He has the capability to organize hunting patrols, assign ranks to others, banish lions, choose queens, etc. He usually eats last.

Queen(s): Lionesses that are second in command, directly behind the King himself. They have every right and authority that he has, and deserve the utmost respect. They are typically the King's most prized and cherished lionesses, and will often eat first, along with cubs and the elderly.

Prince/ss: Direct offspring of the King and the Queen(s). Though they have no direct authority over most ranks until appointed their own ranks, they are to be treated with the utmost respect, and typically sleep and eat with their parents. More often than not, a princess will become the Queen if the current Queen steps down or passes, and a Prince can become the King if the current ruler appoints him as a heir.

Countess(es): Lionesses that are usually seen as a third in command. They possess lots of power, and deserve lots of respect. Countesses' will typically become queens if a queen leaves the pride or passes on. They can organize patrols, send out orders, and train cubs / adolescents. They are lionesses that the king and current queens deeply respect. Often appointed by the Advisors. They typically eat with adolescents.

Advisor(s): Typically seen as the king's right-hand women. There are usually only 1-2 Advisors in the pride, and they help the king make the nitty-gritty decisions that the queens and countesses tend to stay away from. They are incredibly important, and deserve respect. They generally eat with the adolescents and Countesses, and only the King can appoint new Advisors within the pride. Advisors will remain advisors until they pass on.

Lead Huntress: Seen as the most capable of the huntresses. They lead the hunting parties, and are deemed respectable, and responsible for their pride's well-being. There is only one lead huntress, and only she can appoint a new LH once she steps down. Typically eat with the rest of the huntresses.

Sub Males: The males of the pride that are not the King, himself. If deemed worthy, they may become the King's heir. Otherwise, they typically protect the huntresses on their journey's, and patrol the boarders with the scouts. Generally eat with the huntresses and scouts.

Healer(s): Lionesses that are more interested in learning the ways of medicine and protecting the cubs and adolescents of the pride vs hunting / fighting for the pride. They are usually kind, mellow lionesses who couldn't hurt a fly. They aid in training the cubs and adols. Often deemed as broodmothers as well, they usually eat with the huntresses, and the cubs / queens with special permission from the king.

Huntresses: Average members of the pride. They hunt for their pridemates, and are typically seen in groups of 4-5 lionesses. They devote their-selves to providing, and can be promoted if the king sees potential in them. Can be chosen to be the next Lead Huntress by the old Lead Huntress. If the prior LH dies without a heir, the King will choose for her. They're guarded by the submales of the pride, and typically eat with them / the scouts.

Scouts: Lionesses that spend their time patrolling the pride lands in order to find new, interesting things, and to renew the boarders to prevent other lions from crossing onto their lands. Considered average members, and generally eat with the huntresses and sub males.

Guards: Lionesses who dedicate their lives to training cubs up. They spend their time patrolling the boarders and keeping watch (in shifts) whilst the rest of the pride sleeps. They are to be treated with respect, and generally eat with the queens.

Servants / Prisoners: Lionesses or submales that have betrayed the pride, or broken important laws that were set in stone by either the King himself, or his queens and advisers. Ana is not one to hold prisoners, but there is always a chance in which he'll need to get information out of a lion. These lions lay on the outskirts of the pride, and will eat last if there is any food left for them in the first place.

aмanaтн, the Total Chad
Level: 22 Branch: Amanath’s Shit Shack
Stats: 1321 Territory: 42
Lionesses: 34 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 28 / 210 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 3 Subordinate Males: New Cub
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 6 lions with mutations in aмanaтн's pride.

aмanaтн's Player
Member ID #150874
Rottie | Memento Mori
Joined: 2018-07-05 14:08:22 Last Active: 2024-09-17 8:29:29

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aмanaтн's Recent Allies
played by PipeDream
Level 1 - 7 lionesses - 4 cubs
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Level 15 - 12 lionesses - 7 cubs
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played by hypothermia [hiatus]
Level 14 - 18 lionesses - 8 cubs
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played by astroknots
Level 9 - 13 lionesses - 4 cubs
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played by Dray
Level 10 - 23 lionesses - 12 cubs
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played by Pine [G2 Rift, x4 BO]
Level 20 - 42 lionesses - 23 cubs
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