Hyreigo's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!

Your rainbow is shaded white.


What is says about you: You are a contemplative person. You appreciate quiet moments. People depend on you to make them feel secure.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.



Your Spirit animal is a Wolf! Wolves are beautiful and mysterious creatures that have often been misunderstood and represented negatively, although in Native American culture they are considered to be a very spiritual totem animal with much to teach us. Wolves are full of stamina, often running for long periods at a time and so represent being tenacious, and perseverance.

Wolves are very family orientated, but yet do manage to preserve some individuality. If the wolf is your spirit animal then do look at your home/work/friends balance, as if it is out of kilter, learning from the wolf will help you correct this.

Wolves are very intelligent, reminding us to think before we speak and act. Those with the wolf as their spirit animal are likely to find themselves drawn to spiritual or metaphysical paths.

Wolves can be a bit uncertain and shy at times and this can lead to a lack of confidence, and so the wolf may have lessons for you about needing to trust yourself. Wolves are very territorial, and this can play out in people as getting angry when you feel someone has crossed a line, which in relationships can be interpreted as aggressive or possessive, so the wolf as a totem animal can also be there to encourage us to let go and not take things so personally.

Like all animals, the wolf represents both negative and positive qualities. In the view of the Native Americans we can learn from our spirit animal by studying both types of qualities and striving to improve further at the positive ones and avoid the negative ones.

Positive Traits: Intelligent, Family Orientated, Ability to not give up, Spiritual, Loyalty
Negative Traits: Vague, Unsure, Shy, Territorial, Can appear aggressive

Spirit Animal Quiz

You Are A: Mouse!

mouseSome people are scared of mice while others find them cute and cuddly. As a mouse, you forage for food and manage to sneek into everything, but prefer to stay out of sight. The phrase "quiet as a mouse" isn't for nothing, however surprise one and expect a squeek! Your small size and quiet nature are partly what makes you a mouse.

You were almost a: Chipmunk or a Frog
You are least like a: Pony or a PuppyTake the Cute Animal Quiz

King of the Jungle Hyreigo
Level: 14 Branch: New Branch
Stats: 679 Territory: 40
Lionesses: 38 Beetle Slots: 10 / 10
Cubs: 5 / 200 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 3 Subordinate Males: K'tangu
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 7 lions with mutations in Hyreigo's pride.

Hyreigo's Player
Member ID #169874
Joined: 2019-02-25 21:04:51 Last Active: 2024-08-23 20:04:45

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1 Pregnant Lioness

Empty Cave Slot

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Hyreigo's Recent Allies
played by Tangerine
Level 12 - 63 lionesses - 59 cubs
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played by Serine
Level 4 - 6 lionesses - 8 cubs
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played by G1 Svelte Cloudburst RLC
Level 11 - 61 lionesses - 45 cubs
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played by Blue Wolf
Level 16 - 9 lionesses - 1 cubs
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played by Arydian
Level 13 - 57 lionesses - 13 cubs
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played by Rimuru ★
Level 5 - 2 lionesses - 20 cubs
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Hyreigo's Clan Memberships

Hybrids and Muties

Wolvden Kingdom

King Dynasty

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