Darra's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!

The last sunbeams of the day still make you sweat even though the hot sun is almost setting...

For hours now you stand on an old, rattling and unfortunately stinking truck. As a result of the unevenness of the terrain you cut your hand on the self made railing that borders the loading area. Everyone seems to have fun except you. But it's not the wound or the heat that bother you... You are watching the stressed eyes of your guide. They seem to radiate a little displeasure since the truck stuttered a bit an hour ago... Trying to figure out what his thoughts may be all about, you start staring at him. But suddenly you get distract, being struck by a terrible fright. The old truck starts sputtering. And with a loud misfire in your ear you realize that the vehicle coasts silent until it stops.

A little scared you focus your guide again. He seems to be stressed now.

Everything happens fast and after a loud discussion in a language you do not understand he tells your group exit the truck. And as your feet land on the reddish sand your senses notice two things immediately:
There are some impressing pawprints around you...
...and your guide unlocks his rifle for a reason you don't want to think about.
While the truck disappears on the horizon your group is forced to walk back to their lodges. Even the most unfazed group members get a little nervous after some time out there. But just in time you reach the camp right after the nocturnal darkness started covering the path you are walking on.

Even though the lodges are not protected by a fence you immediately start to feel save.

BUT ...

... be sure that you are being observed anyways.

Darra's pride is watching over the path you are walking on...

Just make sure to choose the right direction.

Side Account:

Darra, the Holy
Level: 25 Branch: Darra's branch
Stats: 1362 Territory: 50
Lionesses: 33 Beetle Slots: 9 / 16
Cubs: 11 / 250 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 4 Subordinate Males: Raas, Everbound Soulsister
Ruben, The Loyal Companion
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 3 lions with mutations in Darra's pride.

Darra's Player
Member ID #185363
Joined: 2019-09-09 14:27:45 Last Active: 2024-08-04 6:30:01

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