In Cursed Waters's Den

There is a small chance on this user's next breeding within their pride that their lioness will go on a date with a jaguar instead... This boost is active for the next 16 breedings!

There is enough Snuh in this lion's den to make a Snuhlion!

Welcome to my den! I'm a pretty casual player and usually only breed for looks and not for rare bases and the like. I'm trying to get at least one of each mutation! I have a list below of which I have and when I got them.


Mutie goal:
Acromia✔ [Date not recorded]
Bisected Piebald
Bobbed Tail
Broken Piebald
Charred Patches
Cleft Palate
Clouded Piebald
Conjoined Cubs
Corrupted Patches
Croupe Patches
Cross Patches
Cracked Piebald
Daedal Piebald
Dappled Piebald
Dense Patches
Dorsal Fur
Dorsal Piebald
Double Uterus
Echo Piebald
Extra Limbs
Fissure Patches
Folded ears✔ [Date not recorded]
Frail Piebald
Fringe Patches
Frontal Patches
Harlequin Ichtyosis
Harlequin Piebald
Heavy Piebald
Light Piebald
Magpie Piebald
Mane Feathery
Mane Fluffy✔ [Date not recorded]
Mane Frizzy
Mane Fuzzy
Mane Imperial
Maneless✔ [Date not recorded]
Mane Noble
Mane Ruffled
Mane Scruffy
Mane Shaggy✔ [Date not recorded]
Mane Silky✔ [12/15/2020]
Mane Succubus
Mane Villous
Mane Whiskered✔[4/19/2021]
Mantle Patches
Mosaic Piebald
Mottled Piebald
Murky Patches
Natural Piebald
Nebulous Patches
Overo Piebald
Overgrown Claws✔ [Date not recorded]
Overgrown Fur
Overgrown Teeth
Overgrown Tongue
Panda Patches
Plumage Patches
Primal Felis
Primal Ferus
Primal Smilus
Primal Fangs
Rift Patches✔[4/20/2021]
Scattered Piebald
Shadow Patches
Shreds Piebald
Slender Piebald
Subtle Piebald
Splash Piebald
Spotted Patches
Striped Patches
Subtle Piebald
Svelte Piebald
Symmetrical Piebald
Ticked Piebald
Tobiano Piebald
Torn Patches
Tovero Piebald
Two Heads
Uneven Patches✔[5/27/2023]
Vernal Patches
Wicked Patches
Withered Piebald
Wrapped Piebald

Bone Collector In Cursed Waters
Level: 14 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 984 Territory: 40
Lionesses: 40 Beetle Slots: 2 / 16
Cubs: 6 / 200 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 3 / 3 Subordinate Males: Meow
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 7 lions with mutations in In Cursed Waters's pride.

In Cursed Waters's Player
Member ID #211198
Joined: 2020-07-05 10:39:47 Last Active: 2024-08-05 20:13:25

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⛔ Block Member ➕ Friend Request

0 Pregnant Lionesses

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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In Cursed Waters's Recent Allies

played by Eunoia
Level 18 - 37 lionesses - 48 cubs
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played by [Autumn Hollow Pride]
Level 10 - 127 lionesses - 32 cubs
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played by Mwanzo
Level 15 - 66 lionesses - 12 cubs
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In Cursed Waters's Clan Memberships
None Joined

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



Beetle Book

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