Sylkie's Den


Until I get more Cave Slots open, if you want one of my lions, unfortunately you will just have to browse through the dens for something you are interested in for now!

ROLEPLAY OPEN! As long as things stay fun and respectful, any and all roleplays are welcome!

Any rude or disrespectful people/Lions towards me or the community will be blocked.

All Lions available for other players to have will be found and located at any cave for the time being. This includes "Hunters/Patrols", "Nursery", and "Unsorted".

ALL available cubs will always be found in the "Nursery" Cave, as well as SOME mothers. Available decent/high stats Lions (adolescents and adults) will be found in the "Hunters/Patrol" Cave. Available lower stat Lions will be found in the "Unsorted" Cave.

All Lions in the "Unsorted" Cave are always free, and always random, so be sure to check frequently at what is available!

Any lion with the words "cull/culled/sell" are either for trade, or FREE! Until I get new cave slots they will remain in their current dens, continuing their duties to the Pride. Just send a message with the name of the Lion you are interested in, and I will give more information on that specific Lion.

I will always have cubs, adolescents, and adults, but cubs and their mother's will be found in the "Nursery" Cave. Not all mothers will be for trade/grabs even if their cubs are.

ALL LIONS ARE FIRST COME FIRST SERVE! Send me a message with the name/link to the Lion(s) you are interested in. If you do not have space but want a Lion, send a message requesting for a Reservation on the one you want (which I will include in the Lions' footnotes), and I will hold it for you! You will have 7 days to make space for your Lion before it is put back up on the market, or chased. Every 3 days I will send a message reminding you about your lion until the 7 days are up.

This den has 5 lions that may leave soon due to their low moods or starvation!

Pervert Sylkie
Level: 9 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 184 Territory: 40
Lionesses: 28 Beetle Slots: 2 / 6
Cubs: 35 / 200 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 3 Subordinate Males: Stick
Akira ~Squeaky Clean~
Frozen Slots: 1 / 2 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 8 lions with mutations in Sylkie's pride.

Sylkie's Player
Member ID #256852
Joined: 2022-02-15 18:14:04 Last Active: 2025-01-15 14:03:24

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1 Pregnant Lioness

Empty Cave Slot

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Sylkie's Recent Allies
played by Litten
Level 15 - 20 lionesses - 8 cubs
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played by Stinkytoes
Level 6 - 9 lionesses - 13 cubs
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played by 🛸StarsAndClouds🛸
Level 1 - 29 lionesses - 11 cubs
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played by Soupluvr
Level 5 - 16 lionesses - 7 cubs
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played by Bandit
Level 19 - 211 lionesses - 138 cubs
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Sylkie's Clan Memberships

~|The Giving Lily|~

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



Beetle Book

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