Nashatra's Den

This lion has 33 happy thoughts, 22 awkward thoughts, and 40 frivolous thoughts!

I have not yet come to terms with myself, and perhaps my dilemmas will ever accompany me much like my shadow does. It's uncertain if I will find the answers I'm looking for, and if my decisions will be fully sincere. What is certain, at the very least, is that my strong emotional state - almost like a thunderstorm at the sea - originates from the venture's beginning, and will decrease the more I continue forward.

What really anchors me is my longing to return home and reconsider what I'm doing, a tug of war happens on my mind. Not much time has passed and I already miss my friends, who have joined my life by their decision as I'm not good at starting friendships; my acquaintances, who are usually patient with my clumsiness and mischief; my home, which is safe from the war and is comforting in all seasons; finally my daily activities and most of all, Adelaide, who understands me the most…

I know for sure my longing isn't time's doing, but rather the sheer realization of the lonesome struggles I will experience here, and to what they will build up to. At least at home, I exercise the possibilities and habits that make up who I am. If I were to return, I would be remembered for who I am as an individual. If I choose this path instead, I will not be remembered as an individual, but as an embodiment of the role I took, I will be remembered as Sleepwalker, and not as Nashatra. Before this isolation, even with training expeditions on the way, I was able to keep my regular life active. Now there's loneliness, and if I were to be dying in desolate regions, be it from a hazard, accident, or some hostility, there would be no services to call, no one to help, and I would just perish alone. Even during victories on this venture, where are my friends so I can tell them? It's a victory to be shared with no one, no place for a small dose of boasting.
This den has 10 lions that may leave soon due to their low moods or starvation!

Lone Wanderer Nashatra
Level: 5 Branch: Yass branch
Stats: 52 Territory: 31
Lionesses: 18 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 3 / 155 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 0 / 2 Subordinate Males: None!
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 0 lions with mutations in Nashatra's pride.

Nashatra's Player
Member ID #266197
Joined: 2022-03-02 19:10:22 Last Active: 2025-02-13 7:42:58

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Saturday Night
played by Venlafaxonite
Level 18 - 17 lionesses - 6 cubs
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played by Whereismymind?
Level 18 - 6 lionesses - 0 cubs
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played by 👾[Sighcopath]
Level 13 - 2 lionesses - 4 cubs
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