Dune Stone's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!


The serene undergrowth held speckles of gold, as the sun poked through the trees’ dense hearty leaves. The air seemed free and the wind wasn't as shy as it had been In recent days, a few rodents could even be seen frolicking here and there, embracing and celebrating the finally happy weather. A distant sound could suddenly be heard, like a thousand crows impaling the sky with terror. This horrid sound caused every critter in sight to flee, afraid of the very common warning already. Suddenly, a ferus with the pelt of a sunset appeared, her eyes seemed red with how darkened they were with fury. She looked around with her eyes steadily grazing every inch before she began to walk, her paws making a thumping sound with each step taken. She huffed and glanced around again, before sitting down, they, the ferus seemed to be waiting on someone, Their thick fur flowed in the breeze with far more patience than the ferus held. It had been around five or so minuets, when a low tier dragon appeared, with a pure onyx colored orb in hand. The dragon bowed lowly but the ferus only snarled “No wonder this delivery is so late..i thought I told...her majesty..” the ferus started with a sickening hiss, her jaw tightening at the word majesty “That I never want an important delivery delivered by the likes of you!” she roared, the dragon’s mahogany scales glistened as they stepped out of the shade, their eyes focused on the floor with a horrible attempt at a blank stare..the corners of their maw were down in a slight frown. “I am the only dragon available, currently, empress dawn seeker.” they spoke as politely as possible. Dune, being quite massive for her species, raised her head high and straightened her posture. The dragon was slightly shorter than her, which made it possible for her to look down on them in a more intimidating way. “Alright.” she said blankly, before taking the orb harshly yet being careful as to not damage the invaluable object. “We are done here.” she huffed and had already been down the path back home before the dragon could even respond. The dragon, now a distance away, gave dune a distasteful look before muttering about how dragons were better and they ought to just kill the damn things, before flying away.

Level: 10 Branch: Cheap prices
Stats: 714 Territory: 102
Lionesses: 28 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 27 / 510 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 1 / 3 Subordinate Males: Stat heir
Frozen Slots: 2 / 3 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 12 lions with mutations in Dune Stone's pride.

Dune Stone's Player
Member ID #271911
☪︎Lorida The star Gazer
Joined: 2022-03-18 07:30:07 Last Active: 2024-07-23 13:45:29

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Dune Stone's Clan Memberships

Building Better Naturals

Hunters of the Night

Night Owls of Lioden

Purely Aesthetic

Roaring Elites

The Blood Born

The NCL Agenda

Traveler’s Guide to Lioden

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



Beetle Book

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