Trophonius 's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!

Credit to TW0CAN #144395

Temple's Land Pride

Located within the depths of the jungle, there is an abandoned temple that was left to ruin. Within it, you find an atrium filled with lions of all kinds lounging around. In the center of the atrium, there is a large pelt laid out, the leader is laid on it. As the huge beast stands, you hear them chuckle.

"Welcome to the Temple. What can I do for you?"

Breeding Projects

1 - Male Majivu Leopon Trophy
2 - Female Elysian Tigon Trophy
3 - RLC from Reverse Breeding
4 - 9/3/21 Raffle Lioness Clone
5 - 10/19/18 Raffle Lioness Clone
6 - 1/26/18 Raffle Lioness Clone

About Me
Hi! My name is Raya. I am currently 20 years old and work full time as a welder! I write both stories and code!
I have a labradoodle named Joy, five Crested Geckos, three cats, a hognose snake, and a ball python.

Thanks for visiting the Temple!

Lore Directory

This den has 3 lions that may leave soon due to their low moods or starvation!
This den has lions that are aging up tomorrow - there is currently not enough territory to cope with them all!

Level: 5 Branch: The Marketplace
Stats: 1012 Territory: 100
Lionesses: 98 Beetle Slots: 4 / 18
Cubs: 40 / 500 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 6 / 6 Subordinate Males: dud
4 raya
Zearus the Moonwalker
Frozen Slots: 6 / 7 Cave Slots: 9 / 9
There are 32 lions with mutations in Trophonius 's pride.

Trophonius 's Player
Member ID #297992
Raya [G2 - 7BO]
Joined: 2022-06-13 20:30:31 Last Active: 2024-09-01 16:53:55

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1 Pregnant Lioness

Attack This Lion
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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Trophonius 's Recent Allies
played by 🍎 Apples | Main 🍏
Level 8 - 107 lionesses - 51 cubs
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played by ghostgoat [G1 12BO Styx]
Level 4 - 48 lionesses - 29 cubs
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played by Battalion
Level 1 - 23 lionesses - 4 cubs
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played by Raya 2.0
Level 6 - 15 lionesses - 8 cubs
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played by G1 13 Bo ennedi
Level 6 - 3 lionesses - 7 cubs
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☾𝐴𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑠 𝐸𝑙𝑦𝑠𝑖𝑢𝑚☽
played by timedoglin
Level 28 - 46 lionesses - 16 cubs
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Trophonius 's Clan Memberships

!A! The Royal Court (RLCs)

Applicator Collectors


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King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



Beetle Book

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