Caramelstar's Den



After discovering a small clan of cats go about their days with a strange hierarchy and structure to them, Empresses King, the first leader of Empress Clan, decided to try his own paw at such a thing. Originally, though, the clan started in the wild savannah where they all once frequented. After scarce food became an issue, Empresses King relocated his family to the jungle, a wild and reckless place, but a place he calls home regardless. It does prove benefit to them, despite the obvious dangers. These leaky forest's provide ample enough water to keep the clan hydrated, and is in perfect access to the prey that scurries around them. The queens have to keep close eye on their cubs, however, lest they get snatched by the other predators they share space with.


The third leader of Empress Clan, Caramelstar is the son of Empresses King, and currently very assured in his leadership. Due to his growing up in the clan, Caramelstar sees each and every lion here as a family member truly. He does seek to change some things, though. Having seen how good change can be, Caramelstar seems to be inclined to bolstering their territory.
His overall plan is to ensure a strong legacy and strong clan to work together and defend their beliefs and territory..


The Jungle
Camp Location
Deep in the heart of their territory, the camp lies in a half above and half below ground clearing. A small pool lies near the leader's den, though the queens often frequent the pool to lounge and allow their cubs to drink from the fresh spring.
Empress Clan values their intuition and smart thinking the most. After being desperate enough to make their home in the thriving jungle, this clan had to rely on their wits to stay alive. Luckily, this prevents much infighting, though it helps that their leader values a close-knit community.


The Herbal Pit
The Herbal Pit is a large wound of the earth, dug by an unknown creature years ago. This pit, once covered with dirt, now grows essential herbs that the medicine cat travels to gather. Thankfully, it is only a half a mile away from the camp.

Lone Wanderer Caramelstar
Level: 11 Branch: Empress Clan Wares
Stats: 480 Territory: 60
Lionesses: 50 Beetle Slots: 1 / 8
Cubs: 4 / 300 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 3 Subordinate Males: Mountainriver
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 10 lions with mutations in Caramelstar's pride.

Caramelstar's Player
Member ID #326023
Joined: 2022-08-01 09:17:05 Last Active: 2025-01-07 23:31:21

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played by Freddy Chicken(G2mosaicPie)
Level 14 - 20 lionesses - 6 cubs
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played by JAnderson
Level 8 - 14 lionesses - 4 cubs
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