Zuko᾽s Folly's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!

I love hybrids! I think lion genetics are cool, both my main and side kings deliberately don't have a mutation because of the mutation roll order, maximizing their chances of a valuable mutation:

Inherited Leopon OR Overgrown Fur OR Tigon ➜ Inherited Patches/Piebald ➜ GMO Cow/Lion Meat ➜ Cotton Root Bark ➜ Fertility/Natural Chance ➜ Lion Scrotum ➜ Primal/Pennyroyal ➜ Dorsal Fur ➜ Tigon/Leopon Boost (+10% for First Gen ONLY) ➜ Mukombero ➜ Dorsal Fur Guarantee

NOTE: some items are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together - a red cock (for all male litters) cannot be used with a great tit (for all female litters).
GMO cows, lion meat, and lion scrotes use the same "slot" and you can only use one of them during a breeding.

(copied from News, fix later)
- Lion Meat and GMO Cows will work the same, no matter what your lioness's fertility percentage is.
- Lion Meat and GMO Cows work separately from fertility, meaning they can affect one cub on its own, and your lioness's fertility can affect another cub in the same litter in a separate way.
- Cotton Root Barks ("CRBs") will override any fertility boost or debuff.
- GMO Cows WILL override the CRB's effects, BUT it most likely will make the GMO Cow's produced mutation rarer if the CRB's effect triggers; so, they benefit each other, you could say, but only IF they both work at the same time. Each item has its own percentage-based chance to actually trigger, and they can fail.
- GMO Cows WILL override CRB's percentage-based chance and use the GMO Cow's percentage-based mutation chance, BUT the CRB may make the mutation super rare.
- Leopon and Tigon's natural passing chances are completely separate from GMO Cows, and the Leopon/Tigon chance will always roll first.
- Primal's natural passing chance is completely separate from GMO Cows, and the Primal chance will always roll last after all other mutation-affecting items.

Crunchy Worms give ONE cub from the mother's next litter a 25% chance of being a clone of their mother. You do not need a buffy, the chance will roll as long as there's one or more cubs.

Leopons will pass the Mottled Rosette like a normal marking, meaning if they have MR and you breed them to a king with MR, they have a 75% chance to pass it down instead of the usual very low rosette pass rate.

I have a serious weakness for rosettes, and own the first Doubloon Shaded Rosette on site! I check in at least weekly/every few days, but I tend to do shiftwork so hey.

Nothing personal, but I don't accept friend requests if we haven't talked, sorry! I can't remember who likes what on my friends list otherwise. Feel free to message though!

Confused Zuko᾽s Folly
Level: 2 Branch: Brunch
Stats: 161 Territory: 110
Lionesses: 69 Beetle Slots: 15 / 30
Cubs: 87 / 550 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 1 / 4 Subordinate Males: Heritage rep
Frozen Slots: 3 / 5 Cave Slots: 9 / 9
There are 17 lions with mutations in Zuko᾽s Folly's pride.

Zuko᾽s Folly's Player
Member ID #337615
UncleIroh | On Hiatus
Joined: 2022-08-20 21:38:47 Last Active: 2024-10-31 21:37:31

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2 Pregnant Lionesses

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Zuko᾽s Folly's Recent Allies
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Level 20 - 91 lionesses - 20 cubs
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played by GingerBeer (frozen)
Level 6 - 23 lionesses - 2 cubs
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played by Lëonidas| ON HIATUS
Level 15 - 20 lionesses - 9 cubs
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played by HowTealightful|On Hiatus
Level 17 - 9 lionesses - 1 cubs
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played by 🦩🩰🌸🛍️pinkie🎀✨🩷🐩
Level 7 - 10 lionesses - 4 cubs
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Breed for Haze base
played by Stoin
Level 6 - 15 lionesses - 1 cubs
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