.Samyaza's Den

There is a small chance on this user's next breeding within their pride that their lioness will go on a date with a jaguar instead... This boost is active for the next 18 breedings!

Stand with Palestine. 🇵🇸

You walk along the stretch of Africa. It's night. Perhaps you walk among your huntresses, perhaps you surveil the reaches of your territories, perhaps you too, are a wanderer.
However you come to this place, whether it be long barren sand dunes, lush jungle, where the ocean meets land or the running plaines, you catch the scent of a pride.
Following the scent trails and the growing noises of laughter, talking... and is that singing? You soon find a large group of characters. Their pelts range from greys to unmarked, to jet black, to pure white, to piebald or broad shouldered with primal ancestry. They don't seem to mind your presence, gleefully continuing to enjoy their small, starlit company.

Are those.. spirits? fading in and out of your peripheral vision. Ghostly, starry forms slip beside your eyes and run around their kin in a show. The other lions don't seem surprised, running along side them or having their pelts groomed by their parents and former lovers. What a curious sight.

A large primal pads up to you. He grumbles reassuringly, and continues to talk to you. "--Are you here for the party? Of course you're here for the party!" He says with a foolish, welcoming smile. His chin tucking into his thick mane with amusement. "Come, come, we have plenty of food to share." He pads off towards the group of lions, his bellowing voice surely joining in with their singing to both the stars and gods above.
You follow the sound of this pride and their king over to the bounty of prey being happily torn to shreds in the middle of the group of lions
Throughout the night you learn plenty of the lions here. The birthplace of these lions is long forgotten. This pride is one of wanderers, travellers. Thee who walk the stretch until the horizon dips into nightfall, and even then; their adventurous map the stars. The lions sing to the night sky, spread the word of their gods and their proclaimed ones. The lionesses hunt, running far into the distance, and dragging their catch back to their temporary camps. Their lives are in the hold of their gods, and they thrive off of the certainty of uncertainty. You meet many characters. From their prophet medic with herbs tied to her limbs, to her eccentric little achromia apprentice who was fond of trade. You meet both of the king, Samyaza's mates; a polite piebald male and a quick-witted primal lioness.
You meet his two daughters, primal and felis who's differing personalities crash in an amusing show of competition. Quickly devolving into tussling and playful fighting.
The troublesome of the lionesses jeering them on with laughter in their bellies.

What a joyous night! Samyaza reminds you that you're welcome to stay or visit whenever you want, if they're ever in your area again that is!

(side account ID: #431745)

.Samyaza, the Heavenly
Level: 13 Branch: Sarin's carpet.
Stats: 748 Territory: 40
Lionesses: 22 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 6 / 200 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 1 / 4 Subordinate Males: Gladiolus
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 4 / 4
There are 11 lions with mutations in .Samyaza's pride.

.Samyaza's Player
Member ID #426005
Lavender/Goblin He/Him 🇵🇸
Joined: 2023-03-04 23:20:48 Last Active: 2024-10-05 6:48:51

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2 Pregnant Lionesses

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.Samyaza's Recent Allies
played by Lavender/Goblin-Alt He/Him
Level 6 - 21 lionesses - 2 cubs
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played by dragonslayer
Level 6 - 38 lionesses - 16 cubs
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