Tranquil's Den

From the flats of the barren savannah dry season, winds sweep through the thin dry grass as they travel towards the maw of a cliff side cave you spy on the horizon.

The plains you had been exploring for the past couple of hours suddenly came to a halt at the sight of towering, steep cliffs that stretch upwards for miles. Atop the cliffs, the thick tree canopies from a thriving tropical forest could just be seen looming over edge, alongside a vast, cascading waterfall that ran down the cliffside just next to the cave entrance.

The waterfall crashes down into a large, leisurely running river, flowing to an equally large pond nested in a cliffside cavity and sheltered by ample tropical flora growing down the walls.

The hours of traipsing across rough savannah terrain had left your mouth bitterly dry.
And the roaring beckon of free flowing water enticed you in to take a closer look.

-You approach the waterfall-

It's little to your surprise that the waterfall looks even more incredible closeup. However, the array of magnificently colorful plants and flowers growing down at the bank play havoc with your curiosity. You're no expert, but you know not even half these flowers should naturally grow around these parts, not without proper care.

Just as you're thinking this, something bursts from the river and bounds through the beautiful garden you had spotted.

A young lioness!
What is she doing out here alone?

Another follows suit, playfully tackling the first.

Oh, she isn't alone. In fact, she isn't by a long shot. Upon closer inspection, the entire river - and most of the pond - is already being occupied. By a dozen adolescent lionesses!

For a moment, disappointment bites at your stomach, knowing you weren't going to get your refreshing sips of river water after all. But out of respect for whoever's pride this clearly is, you decide to leave the girls to their riverside fun. You turn to leave.

"Hey you!"

You freeze in your tracks, not doubting the fact you'd been spotted. However, you weren't expecting the owner of the voice to be so fast! She was practically standing on your toes in less than a couple seconds.

"You're not supposed to be here."
She snarks, having to cock her head all the way upwards to be able to meet your gaze. The lioness was a darkened silver color, with a pelt lightly freckled with blots all over. On Top of that she also had a dull blue gradient over her back with equally dull orange smudges.

- -Choice- -
-Hostile approach- / -Calm approach-

-You go with a hostile approach-

"Like you think I didn't know that." You snapped back, slightly making the lioness flinch but overall she kept her posture.
Her tail began to swipe from side to side vigorously in a threatened manner. She was clearly too cocky for her own good, albeit not an uncommon trait for adolescent lions, you decide to knock her off her high horse.

You retract your ears and pull your lips up, bearing your fang teeth and doing your best scary face. This quickly causes her to back off a little, scuttering away to put some space between the two of you. But to your surprise, she lowers her head to be flat to her back and mimics your exact facial expression, like she had just learnt that from you! Not bad! You give a small huff of approval at the response, whether on purpose or not, and she seems to notice. A sparkle of pride in her eyes. She seems to like you more.

-You go with a calm approach-

"I know, I was just leaving, sorry to intrude." You take a few steps back to distance yourself and deflate the situation, however you don't turn your back to her. She must have seen the sincerity in your face as she too backed off, sitting down and politely curling her tail around her paws, expression as sour as ever.

"My dad told me that us girls should patrol the borders while we're down here. 'Hold the fort' as it were." Her voice softened as she averted her gaze towards the river, where the other ladies had started to gather at the garden. They had clearly also noticed your presence. "My name is Moor."

- -End of choice- -

With the encounter at ease, you smile, going to introduce yourself, but just as you do a hoard of teenagers bound over to you with an array of excited yowls and greetings. Each seeming more excited than the last, they swarm you all speaking loudly and all at once, making their words utter nonsense to your ears.

After a few moments of chaos, you settle the girls down and encourage them to speak one at a time.. which has.. varying levels of success. Some are content asking you about your pride or where you came from, others burst in and begin to rapid fire questions faster than you can answer. But over all, the girls excitedly hurry you over to the mouth of the cave, whether you were entirely willing or not, you struggled to get a word in edge ways. The lioness you had met earlier trails slowly behind you all with another lioness her age.
You could only assume this was the entrance of their pride.

The maw of the cave is extremely dark, but the girls bound off ahead of you, not seeming bothered by the eerie ambience that hung heavy in damp air. The cavern path slopes upwards and is a little steep to climb. The ground beneath your paws had been worn boderline smooth from the excess use and the calls and jeers of excited cubs echo off the walls and rattle your skull. As you climb the pathway in the rowdy company of your escorts, the track curves around a bend and the wall to your left side disappears. The light of the exit is now visable way up ahead but to your left you can now see a gargantuan cylinder cavern that drops all the way to the ground level, just behind where the oasis pond was sat on the outside. Despite not being able to see all the way up the ravine, it was apparent that it was a small breakaway from the more prominent waterfall visable from the savannah, as grand rushing water poors down from an unseen source and crashes into the peaceful black of the unknown way down below.

"Are you still coming?" One of the girls calls at your slow pace as she stands in the blinding light of day that floods into the cave from the opening upahead. Wow, this was going to be an interesting journey...

- -Choice- -
-Head to the Lioness nest- / -Head to where the sun hits warmest- / -Head to the Mutie hangout spot-


Name: Sparky

Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage

King of the Jungle Tranquil
Level: 19 Branch: New Branch
Stats: 747 Territory: 51
Lionesses: 49 Beetle Slots: 11 / 11
Cubs: 63 / 255 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 3 / 3 Subordinate Males: Bubbly
Coal Rich Cliffsides
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 8 lions with mutations in Tranquil's pride.

Tranquil's Player
Member ID #426901
Joined: 2023-03-10 12:34:03 Last Active: 2024-09-06 15:41:34

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