Kekere's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!

The Pride of the Rivers Rest

The Pride of Rivers Rest is a small (~15 lion) pride that has settled along and around Lake Volta in Ghana, with their hearth in Digya National Park.

Pride History
The First Age | Kekere, the Untitled / Ilaorun, Ẹṣin
    After dispersing from his natal pride north of the Black Volta, the young Kekere sought to travel south in hopes of more fertile lands to join a pride of his own. Dispersal didn't go well, as was typically the case for a young lion on his own, until he took to the lake in desperation and was met by Ilaorun and her small band of lionesses: Wura, Gbigbona, Súfèé, and Akọni. After much discussion, it was decided -- due to low numbers -- that the Pride would take Kekere in on a trial to see if he could help bring new members to the pride, a low-risk gambit that ended up paying off in spades.

    More than doubling in size, the newly named 'Pride of Rivers Rest' reached comfortable stasis and looks to be continuing to flourish for the foreseeable future. Due to growing their numbers around the lake, in tandem with all things that live within it, the Pride is now known for being a place where travelers can stop that guarantees safe access to water, free from the danger of other predators or Prides. Occasionally some travelers decide to stay, which is the case for key pride members such as Ipata, Kukumba, and Okegiga, and what's more? A few of these travelers have born cubs to Kekere or sired cubs to the lionesses during their stay, which the Pride is more than happy to call their own.

    Due to his nameless start, and candid, no-frills personality, Kekere was given the title-less title, 'the Untitled'. Ilaorun eventually took to train an Heir in Command in a younger lioness named Ẹṣin; while Kekere has been given a son, it is not yet certain if young Aiye is to be the Heir to the Pride's Jowls.

A Note Regarding Hard Mode
📒 Please note that all lions marked with another individual's name in the Footnote as well as those maked '❌ Achievement Hunting' are being held temporarily for either a friend or to get achievements out of and so are not official members of this pride, though may appear in Pride Lore; these lions are not involved in my pride's Hard Mode challenge.

A Note Regarding White Chin
📒 The lioness (White Chin) in the unsorted category is not part of Pride Lore, nor Hard Mode, she's just there for me.

Ranks & Roles

(Lead) Pride Jowls
- Lead male who speaks for the Pride during confluence and diplomatic affairs

👑 Pride Claws
- Lead female(s) who lead, organize, and maintain the Pride's internal affairs

🦁 Pride Blood
- Offspring born of the Pride Jowls

Former Huntress/Dewclaw
- Retired (10y+) Huntresses and Dewclaws that are now focusing on taking care of the pride at its core by rearing, and minding eachothers offspring.

Iroko Dewclaw
- Strategist and leader of the Iroko Claw

Huntress of the Iroko Claw
- The Iroko Claw is filled with the pride's most promising huntresses. Generally, what this means is the females with the 5 highest stats in the pride, but it may also occasionally mean (when preparing to breed for an Heir) that it includes those with traits favourable to pass on to the future Jowls of the pride. Iroko Claw huntresses are generally maxed out in their hunts per day.

Turaco Dewclaw
- Strategist and leader of the Turaco Claw

Huntress of the Turaco Claw
- The Turaco Claw is filled with the next 5 highest statted females in the pride, but may also (when preparing to breed for an Heir) includes well statted females with traits that are not favourable to pass on to the future Jowls of the pride. Turaco Claw huntresses may take anywhere between 0 to 10 hunts a day.

Other Individuals
- Bontebok Post is an outpost that may at any point house Travellers (NCL), non-diplomatic guests (other individual's lions not of 'leading lineage'), or pride members waiting to join the Turaco Claw upon retirement of one of their members.

Quick Links

📒 Hard Mode | 🔗 Family Tree

Kekere, the Untitled
Level: 26 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 1256 Territory: 40
Lionesses: 40 Beetle Slots: 8 / 17
Cubs: 10 / 200 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 2 Subordinate Males: 🦁Aiye
Iyanrin Shore-stalker
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 5 / 5
There are 4 lions with mutations in Kekere's pride.

Kekere's Player
Member ID #427446
Joined: 2023-03-13 08:05:34 Last Active: 2024-03-27 9:01:27

📃 View Wishlist :|: 📦 View Trades

⛔ Block Member

0 Pregnant Lionesses

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Kekere's Recent Allies
played by Khepri [🌖]
Level 20 - 40 lionesses - 12 cubs
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played by 🦀Craig🦀
Level 5 - 35 lionesses - 7 cubs
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played by Mire | G1 Subtle Supernal 3R
Level 10 - 28 lionesses - 23 cubs
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Black Ice
played by Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi]
Level 9 - 1 lionesses - 0 cubs
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Protection from Evil and Good
played by Matty
Level 21 - 29 lionesses - 8 cubs
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played by Mikoi
Level 10 - 9 lionesses - 4 cubs
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Kekere's Clan Memberships

:Hard Mode:

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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