Ivorine's Den

There is enough Snuh in this lion's den to make a Snuhlion!

Welcome To Blueflower's Den

Be like water, not luxurious but valuable to life.

About me:
Hi! Welcome to my pride! I am Blue (that is not my actual name for privacy reasons)! I love books, drawing and anime! I have 2 cats and I dislike dogs. I play 5 instruments, trumpet (main), french horn (side main), ukulele (for fun), piano (for fun) and bells (for fun). My favorite month is October. I am a Scorpio. I love spooky things and the spooky season! My favorite holiday is Halloween!

The Game:
I joined on the 16th of March in 2023 (check below to see). I played until May (I think) before quitting the game for a few months. My friend was still playing and convinced me to get back on. I forgot to check in on my lions and was having trouble with food. My friend finally reminded me to re-join and I did. I have a branch if you would like to buy from it! I have den that I call my adoption den. It is technically my main den but I am working on getting an actual adoption den put up. I accept gifts and messages. Comment on my lion it would make me happy to know your opinion on him!

If you have any questions or things to ask I would be more than happy to help you out with anything. Just remember: "Life is too short, so make lasting memories." Have fun! Stay safe, and smile today! If not for yourself than do it for me! Tysm!

Credits go to sheo [IBF
Addict🪶] (#213862) and katie 🌿 (#106445).

A wild rabid fox bounds through the undergrowth. Your heart stops in your chest as it almost grabs your tail. Its teeth are inches away. Panicking you race towards a forest filled with dark scraggly trees and poky undergrowth. The moon glimmers and twinkles. Suddenly the ground jerks away from you and you start to fall. You can hear the fox snarling above you. You look up just as the fox jumps down into the hole. Roaring in fear you twist around ready to fight. It is approaching closer. You blinked and suddenly a large creature emerges from the hole. You are still free falling as it passes by you. The rabid fox shrieks in fear. It vibrates off of the walls. The creature becomes clear in the moonlight and you retract in shock. It is a gorgeous white lioness with large soft pink wings on her back. She swoops up to the fox and kills it with one quick swipe. She turns to look at you with a soft gentleness before you black out. You wake up in a grove of blueberry bushes and cherry blossom trees. The lioness is standing above you. She gazes at you and you feel dizzy. You stand up and look around. "Where am I?" You puzzle. The lioness lets out a tinkling laugh. "You are in Blueberry Grove. A magical world filled with blueberry bushes and cherry blossoms all year long." She smiles. "Who are you?" You ask. "My name is Snowbell. I am the guardian of this grove. There are many other guardians here too." You look at her closely and realize that she is missing her wings. "What happened to your wings?" Snowbell gazes at you with an intense stare. "They are gone for now. I can only use them outside of the tunnel in the real world. For now I am trapped in the Grove." You regard her with sadness before slowly looking around. "Go and explore the Grove. Come find me when you wish to leave." Snowbell says as she walks away. You turn around and decide to take a small path leading deeper into the blueberry bushes...

Ivorine, the Ill-Natured
Level: 11 Branch: 🫐BlueBranch🫐
Stats: 193 Territory: 8
Lionesses: 8 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 5 / 40 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 2 Subordinate Males: Dracaena
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 1 / 3
There are 5 lions with mutations in Ivorine's pride.

Ivorine's Player
Member ID #428293
Joined: 2023-03-16 20:34:20 Last Active: 2023-12-30 12:38:46

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0 Pregnant Lionesses

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Ivorine's Recent Allies
played by ChamomileCalamity
Level 12 - 20 lionesses - 13 cubs
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played by River
Level 11 - 13 lionesses - 2 cubs
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played by Mutie Collector, SnoreWolf
Level 9 - 12 lionesses - 24 cubs
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Ivorine's Clan Memberships
None Joined

King Dynasty

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