Ziaka's Den

There is a small chance on this user's next breeding within their pride that their lioness will go on a date with a jaguar instead... This boost is active for the next 17 breedings!

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!

About Me

Hello, welcome to my pride!
3 hours ahead of LDT
I am in Uni, so I may not get to you right away.

Any cubs without any altered name are free, just send me a message!


Project Queen: Click here!
Hoarfrost Lions
Rime Lions
Snowflake Lions
General combo bases


Check out my auctions thread!
Any cubs with "sell" in their footnote are being sold here.

CSS design by Star #313944

The Opali Pride


Welcome, welcome! This is a joyous occasion, as the festival of the dragons comes by. Here we celebrate our origin and give thanks to the massive beasts who gave us our gift. Cubs and new pridemates, come and relax as I tell you the tale of the Opali Pride.

The first king, Sonca. He was an absolute gremlin and a menace to society in the best way. When he was young, he heard stories of the dragons from Arctic Terns on their yearly migration. Tales of massive beasts living in faraway mountains, flying and breathing fire. Sonca had always been a curious lad, far too much for his own safety and to the sanity of others. He had left his home pride at an unusually young age, thinking them too stagnant. After hearing the tales of dragons, he set off in pursuit.
Farther and farther he travelled, taking him farther than what he would consider his home, beyond where no lion has stepped before. Deep within the tallest mountains, he saw a grand city. Spiraling peaks of towers, large walkways, and serpentine shapes flitting between them. He had found it, the home of the dragons.
Being a lion in a strange land, he was of course spotted and immediately captured; But the dragons have not seen a lion before. Sonca, being who he is, couldn’t contain his fascination and excitement. He threw a flurry of questions at the beasts, one after the other until well into the next night. Some say that it took days for them to answer all he had asked! After some debate they decided he wasn’t a threat and permitted him to live with them for a while, amused by the sheer size of his innocent curiosity.
They showed him many things, their habits, their rituals, how they protect the smallest reptiles and amphibians seeing how they are distant relatives. Protective, though vicious in defending their own. They would raid human settlements that came too close, rival dragon clans and other large creatures were also a constant threat. The direct attacks were few as many weren’t aware of their presence. They urged him to keep their location a secret, for they have since learned that birds were not entirely trustworthy.
Until one day, the dragons mentioned that they were in a war, despite their peaceful appearance. Different dragons from the stars were threatening their way of life, calling them inferior. Once a generation they suffer with raids and skirmishes, defending valiantly. However, They’ve shown the young male how their city used to be grand, spanning across the peaks in the entire region. Now, their home is in a small, but defendable valley. Having seen their hospitality and kindness, Sonca vowed that he would lend whatever he could to aid them.
The dragons paused. What could a lion, with such a short lifespan, possibly offer to these long-lived beings? Their war has lasted centuries, with far more to come. It was a quiet time at the moment, but the next battle could be well past the time Sonca has died.
“Very well,” said the dragons, “Gather a pride, have a family. We will lend you our power. We will protect you as if you were our own. In return, we ask that your family aid us in our time of need.”
Sonca readily agreed to this contract, and a brief light shone on his fur. Afterwards, an amulet appeared on his tail. “A symbol of our alliance and friendship,” the dragons said. That amulet is passed down to the pride leader each generation, as a reminder of our duty.
As a result of this contract, once a dragon’s generation our pride is granted an ability to be up in the stars. We fight the enemy on behalf of our promise. The battles are long and hard, but we have succeeded thus far.
Sonca returned, found a wonderful mate and formed a sturdy pride. He taught us what he had learned, how a small piece of a dragon’s soul was melded with each of our own. The pride was doubtful at first, but it was only until one of his cubs was born with dragon-like features; fangs, whiskers, horns, claws, did they truly believe. It was decided that these lions would be crowned as leader of the pride. This trait only runs in the royal family, and only once the old leader is ready to retire will another be chosen. Normal pride members don’t have these features, despite the fact all of us have a piece of a dragon’s soul within our own. Other than our unusual coloring, sometimes this is manifested in certain members outside of the royal family in a different way.
Every so often, there is a lion with a special connection to a certain reptile or amphibian. The pride as a whole makes an effort to protect and aid these small creatures, but these special few are able to sense their feelings and needs. No, they cannot speak to them. It’s more of a closer understanding than what would be typical of a normal feline. These few would become sub-leaders within the pride, tasked with guiding their protection. They work as a close advisor to the pride-leader, and their input is deeply valued as they alone know what the critters truly need. Pride-leaders may have this ability as well, although it is very rare.
However, the dragon’s gift came with more than just appearance changes. The leaders of the pride are blessed with longer than average lifespans as well, though in a different way than you might think.
The bodies have a normal lion lifespan, but this is extended through our heirs. Once the old body is almost exhausted, a new one will be born, ready to take its place with the same memories and personality as the old. It seems that each new generation of leader has a different lifespan.

This gives way to our first DragonLeader: Zmiakan, the Phoenix.

Imagine the pride’s surprise the first time the reincarnation cycle happened, it must’ve been a sight, indeed! Two of the same lion existing at the same time, both speaking in tandem with the same voice, the pride was very uneasy at first as you would expect. It took time to get used to this new fact in their lives, but now we accept it as if it’s completely normal, and for us it is now. It was the discovery of this that gave Zmiakan her title.
Zmiakan was a beautiful queen, with long flowing whiskers and fur on her back resembling a dragon’s crest. she had a similar personality to her father Sonca, but a bit more reigned in. Her insatiable curiosity led her to be away from the pride exploring more often than not. Her and her father got into a lot of mischief together; they were very close. It broke her heart when her father passed, but with the support of her pridemates, she proudly took on the amulet her father had entrusted with her and became queen.

It can be disheartening to be a pride leader, with the extended lifespan, seeing many friends and family pass before you. Some would think that would be enough to drive one insane, but our devotion is strong still, and we will see this bond through to the end.

Ziaka, the Phoenix
Level: 18 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 1497 Territory: 41
Lionesses: 37 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 11 / 205 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 1 / 2 Subordinate Males: Cubp
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 1 / 3
There are 11 lions with mutations in Ziaka's pride.

Ziaka's Player
Member ID #428669
🐉 Avalin
Joined: 2023-03-19 03:53:52 Last Active: 2025-01-04 19:49:01

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⛔ Block Member

1 Pregnant Lioness
View Opali Pride
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 182 Cubp
2 years, 7 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
14 569 Alyva
8 years, 5 months old
11 667 Aralav
6 years, 2 months old
13 405 Aryal 🐊
Meteorite Natural foldie
6 years, 8 months old
1 328 Azynka
albino rosette
4 years, 8 months old
9 252 Boreal
5 years, 7 months old
1 136 Corai
13 years, 7 months old
1 225 Cubc
3 years, 6 months old
1 138 Cube
2 years, 8 months old
1 415 Cubk
3 years, 8 months old
1 225 Cubp
Shreds pie
2 years, 3 months old
1 205 Cubp
3 years old
1 98 Cub
3 months old
1 103 Cub
3 months old
6 345 Draugur
6 years, 11 months old
4 133 Edavik
9 years, 3 months old
1 460 Elda 🦎
eyes sandy
3 years old
1 152 Cub
3 months old
1 171 Cube
3 months old
7 255 Fobi
sterling, burmese10 project
9 years, 3 months old
23 1241 Granateple
12 years, 8 months old
9 321 Hiekki 🐍
Shreds pie
14 years, 2 months old
1 165 Iniai
Steele MR
5 years, 6 months old
1 289 Irisei
black soft rosette
4 years, 8 months old
4 192 Koyo
5 years, 8 months old
20 1044 Latyka
flint Primal
14 years, 5 months old
11 272 Pini
steele dwarf
9 years, 2 months old *
6 143 Prihama
Shreds pie
11 years, 6 months old *
1 226 Ròs
Shreds pie
4 years, 11 months old
1 265 Cub
3 months old
1 243 Cub
3 months old
1 510 Rhydda
spicy heavenly bean
6 years, 2 months old
1 110 Rosoni
13 years, 6 months old
1 329 Sífreri
11 years, 1 month old
1 313 Cub
4 months old
8 602 Sviesti
albino BM
6 years old *
21 879 Tinnu
Flint Plumage
9 years, 10 months old
1 169 Tustu
9 years, 9 months old
7 427 Tyka
14 years, 4 months old
1 113 Valmue
14 years, 8 months old
11 382 Valun
10 years, 7 months old *
6 280 Whakatara
10 years, 1 month old
10 354 Zirka
Interstellar 2
7 years, 7 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 213 Cuba
11 months old
1 245 Cubc
Chartreux rosette
1 year, 3 months old
1 136 Cubi
1 year, 9 months old
1 617 Kaeru
Heavenly 🐸
1 year, 4 months old
View Unsorted Lions
LV Stats Name Age Status
No sub males!
LV Stats Name Age Status
10 593 Cubc
7 years, 2 months old
1 130 Newly Claimed Lioness
8 years, 7 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
No independent cubs or adolescents!

Empty Cave Slot

Empty Cave Slot

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Cimmerian Infestation

Combo Shenanigans


Purely Aesthetic

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The Dragons Hoard (on break)

The Lioden Conservatory

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



Beetle Book

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