Balentin's Den

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# Black Countershaded
## Dark (5/20)
### Common
- [x] Black [[Adebola]]
- [x] Dikela [[Naliaka]]
- [x] Gray [[Enitan]]
- [x] Pewter [[Furaha]]
- [x] Vandal [[Kagiso]]
### Uncommon
- [ ] Gunmetal Gray
- [ ] Korat
### Rare
- [ ] Cimmerian
- [ ] Slate
### Special
- [ ] Augur
- [ ] Celestial
- [ ] Constellation
- [ ] Divine
- [ ] Elysian
- [ ] Ice
- [ ] Jellyfish
- [ ] Penumbra
- [ ] Ra
- [ ] Shard
- [ ] Witch

## Medium (1/19)
### Common
- [x] Dun [[Nkechi]]
- [ ] Steele
- [ ] Sterling
### Uncommon
- [ ] Maltese
### Rare
- [ ] Cocoa
- [ ] Desolate
### Special
- [ ] Arctic
- [ ] Aufeis
- [ ] Blue Pointsettia
- [ ] Cotton Candy
- [ ] Cloudburst
- [ ] Ennead
- [ ] Hematite
- [ ] Hoarfrost
- [ ] Leonid
- [ ] Moonstone
- [ ] Murk
- [ ] Rime
- [ ] Sidereal

## Light (3/15)
### Common
- [x] Dove Gray ([[Mariama]])
- [x] Dusty [[Thoko]]
- [x] Rosy Brown [[Salamatu]]
- [ ] Silver Gray
### Rare
- [ ] Chartreux
- [ ] Snowpard
### Special
- [ ] Glacial
- [ ] Kunzite
- [ ] Mistletoe
- [ ] Opal
- [ ] Pulsar
- [ ] Skyward
- [ ] Snowflake
- [ ] Soul
- [ ] Stratosphere

# Black Solid
## Dark (2/18)
### Custom
- [ ] Chestnut
- [x] Jet [[Monifa]]
- [x] Obsidian [[Mbalenhle]]
- [x] Titanium [[Chimezie]]
### Uncommon
- [ ] Onyx
### Rare
- [ ] Ebony
- [ ] Noctis
### Special
- [ ] Harbinger
- [ ] Haruspex
- [ ] Haze
- [ ] Incense
- [ ] Interstellar
- [ ] Nadir
- [ ] Nun
- [ ] Nuummite
- [ ] Spectre
- [ ] Styx
- [ ] Velvet

## Medium (2/13)
### Common
- [x] Dark Brown [[Madalisto]]
- [ ] Liver
- [x] Silver [[Ssanyu]]
### Rare
- [ ] Flint
- [ ] Platinum
### Special
- [ ] Basalt
- [ ] Demiurge
- [ ] Duat
- [ ] Frostbitten
- [ ] Lilac
- [ ] Majivu
- [ ] Medal
- [ ] Rhino

## Light (1/16)
### Common
- [ ] Albino
- [x] Birch [[Uduakobong]]
- [ ] Eggshell
- [ ] Isabel
- [ ] White
### Uncommon
- [ ] Aspen
- [ ] Clear White
- [ ] Willow
### Rare
- [ ] Ashen
- [ ] Frost
### Special
- [ ] Cairngorm
- [ ] Celsian
- [ ] Glass
- [ ] Khnum
- [ ] Phantom
- [ ] Water Hyacinth

# Cream Countershaded

## Dark (2/21)
### Common
- [x] Blonde [[Ade]]
- [x] Dusty Rose ([[Eshe]])
- [ ] Pecan
- [x] Savannah [[Dada]]
### Uncommon
- [ ] Russet
### Rare
- [ ] Flaxen
- [ ] Senegal
### Special
- [ ] Arabica
- [ ] Grullo
- [ ] Inpu
- [ ] Jacana
- [ ] Moss Agate
- [ ] Mummy
- [ ] Nacre
- [ ] Nomad
- [ ] Olive
- [ ] Outlaw
- [ ] Reindeer
- [ ] Supernal
- [ ] Thoth
- [ ] Vagabond

## Medium (1/17)
### Common
- [ ] Dark Vanilla
- [x] Deep Fawn [[Hibo]]
- [x] Hazelnut [[Ayotunde]]
- [ ] Mongoose
### Rare
- [ ] Cameo
- [ ] Finch
### Special
- [ ] Aardwolf
- [ ] Ammonite
- [ ] Asiatic
- [ ] Esker
- [ ] Fossil
- [ ] Guardian
- [ ] Hallowed
- [ ] Mushroom
- [ ] Pecora
- [ ] Ragdoll
- [ ] Smog

## Light (1/11)
### Common
- [ ] Almond
- [ ] Antler
- [x] Vanilla [[Lishan]]
### Rare
- [ ] Buff
- [ ] Tusk
### Special
- [ ] Cherry Blossom
- [ ] Ethereal
- [ ] Howlite
- [ ] Ivory
- [ ] Nautilus
- [ ] Skeletal

# Cream Solid
## Dark (3/12)
### Common
- [x] Caramel [[Iminathi]]
- [x] Khaki ([[Belinda]])
- [ ] Persimmon
- [x] Tan [[Seynabou]]
### Uncommon
- [ ] Butternut
### Rare
- [ ] Amber
- [ ] Soot
### Special
- [ ] Hellebore
- [ ] Meteorite
- [ ] Parhelion
- [ ] Qahir
- [ ] Seer

## Medium (3/12)
### Common
- [x] Camel [[Chinwendu]]
- [x] Cream [[Juliya]]
- [x] Cream Darker [[Masego]]
- [ ] Dark Fawn
- [ ] Fawn
### Rare
- [ ] Argent
- [ ] Buttercream
### Special
- [ ] Atlas
- [ ] Heavenly
- [ ] Pearl
- [ ] Ruffian
- [ ] Sphinx

## Light (2/10)
### Common
- [ ] Apricot
- [ ] Beige
- [x] Cream Lighter [[Laarni]]
- [x] Light Cream [[Akpofure]]
### Uncommon
- [ ] Buttermilk
### Rare
- [ ] Mocha
- [ ] Teardrop
### Special
- [ ] Alabaster
- [ ] Citron
- [ ] Solaris

# Golden Countershaded
## Dark (2/15)
### Common
- [x] Deira [[Usman]]
- [ ] Doubloon
- [x] Jacinthe [[Fatuma]]
- [ ] Ochre
### Rare
- [ ] Dinar
- [x] Fulvous [[Amahle]]

### Special
- [ ] Abyssinian
- [ ] Anubis
- [ ] Asali
- [ ] Cretaceous
- [ ] Ember
- [ ] Hyena
- [ ] Kimanjano
- [ ] Ripe
- [ ] Swarm

## Medium (2/14)
### Common
- [ ] Ducat
- [x] Oatmeal ([[Blondene]])
- [x] Saffron [[Aliyu]]
- [ ] Sunflower
### Rare
- [ ] Goridhe
- [ ] Nacarat
### Special
- [ ] Bast
- [ ] Bushveld
- [ ] Dhahabi
- [ ] Hirola
- [ ] Mandarin
- [ ] Maziwa
- [ ] Sepulture
- [ ] Sunspot

## Light (1/14)
### Common
- [ ] Bisquit
- [ ] Bone
- [ ] Sunglow
- [x] Wheaten [[Ekenedilichukwu]]
### Rare
- [ ] Champagne
- [ ] Powder
### Special
- [ ] Angelic
- [ ] Citrine
- [ ] Haliotis
- [ ] Horus
- [ ] Maat
- [ ] Nudar
- [ ] Peach
- [ ] Triumph

# Golden Solid
## Dark (4/11)
### Common
- [x] Dark Golden [[Chidi]]
- [x] Zarafshan ([[Opeyemi]])
- [x] Zarbanu [[Chika]]
### Uncommon
- [ ] Xanthic
### Rare
- [x] Honey [[Aku]]
- [ ] Udara
### Special
- [ ] Chatoyant
- [ ] Damu
- [ ] Mudstone
- [ ] Ornament
- [ ] Trophy
## Medium (2/15)
### Common
- [x] Luteo [[Adewale]]
- [ ] Medium Golden
- [ ] Sundust
- [ ] Zarasa
- [x] Zarin [[Lebohang]]
### Uncommon
- [ ] Topaz
### Rare
- [ ] Dandelion
- [ ] Goldenrod
### Special
- [ ] Gilded
- [ ] Green
- [ ] Gregarious
- [ ] Labradorite
- [ ] Mobola
- [ ] Sahara
- [ ] Victor
## Light (0/14)
### Common
- [ ] Bisque
- [ ] Lemon
- [ ] Light Golden
- [ ] Linen
- [ ] Zer
- [ ] Zivar
### Uncommon
- [ ] Sunshine
### Rare
- [ ] Sulphur
- [ ] Sunkissed
### Special
- [ ] Festive
- [ ] Harvest Moon
- [ ] Hexaplex
- [ ] Marula
- [ ] Ukame

# Red Countershaded
## Dark (5/17)
### Common
- [x] Auburn [[Zola]]
- [x] Brass [[Enu]]
- [x] Bronze [[Yaa]]
- [x] Mulberry ([[Balentin]])
- [x] Ruddy ([[Penjani]])
### Rare
- [ ] Cassis
- [ ] Prune
### Special
- [ ] Ambrosia
- [ ] Beet
- [ ] Demonic
- [ ] Haunted
- [ ] Madagascar
- [ ] Rhodonite
- [ ] Rough Ruby
- [ ] Temporal
- [ ] Unholy
- [ ] Wepwawet

## Medium (4/17)
### Common
- [x] Ginger [[Chifuniro]]
- [x] Mauve [[Ebele]]
- [x] Rust [[Udo]]
### Uncommon
- [x] Rhubarb [[Abena]]
### Rare
- [ ] Anjeer
- [ ] Scallop
### Special
- [ ] Ankh
- [ ] Brimstone
- [ ] Chaos
- [ ] Deshret
- [ ] Hibiscus
- [ ] Inferno
- [ ] Ogdoad
- [ ] Scoundrel
- [ ] Squall
- [ ] Sunset
- [ ] Wine

## Light (2/19)
### Common
- [ ] Copper
- [x] Palomino [[Ese]]
- [ ] Sorrel
- [x] Tawny [[Kamaria]]
### Uncommon
- [ ] Rufous
### Rare
- [ ] Fiery
- [ ] Maroon
- [ ] Taupe
### Special
- [ ] Ancestral
- [ ] Astral
- [ ] Azalea
- [ ] Bandit
- [ ] Blazing
- [ ] Dawn
- [ ] Flamingo
- [ ] Fuchsia
- [ ] Nefer
- [ ] Sunrise
- [ ] Sutekh

# Red Solid
## Dark (3/14)
### Common
- [x] Chocolate [[Onyekachukwu]]
- [ ] Henna
- [x] Redwood [[Bosede]]
### Rare
- [x] Acacia [[Simisola]]
- [ ] Shedua
### Special
- [ ] Black Rose
- [ ] Blood Moon
- [x] Bloodbourne [[Balentin]]
- [ ] Bloodstone
- [ ] Manakbir
- [ ] Merlot
- [ ] Prismatic
- [ ] Sha
- [ ] Wicked

## Medium (2/11)
### Common
- [x] Brown [[Eseoghene]]
- [ ] Locust
- [ ] Mahogany
- [x] Sienna ([[Nkruma]])
### Rare
- [ ] Red
- [ ] Umber
### Special
- [ ] Blush Rose
- [ ] Rose Gold
- [ ] Sepia
- [ ] Seth
- [ ] Windfall

## Light (1/13)
### Common
- [ ] Cedar
- [ ] Cremello
- [ ] Fallow
- [ ] Sandy
- [ ] Wild Rose
### Rare
- [x] Cinnabar [[Ntombi]]
- [ ] Sapela
### Special
- [ ] Ardor
- [ ] Decennial
- [ ] Orchid
- [ ] Rose Pink
- [ ] Serruria
- [ ] Ubaste
Hi there! I'm Alexis, an adult player who absolutely loves breeding sims. My goal? Get every base color. Is this goal lofty? Yeah it is, but I'm excited to try.
Disclaimer: I am trying to get every base color, which means I rotate through NCLs and I breed a lot of cubs. Some lionesses are permanent, some cubs will stay, but a large portion of them will be sold and my cubs are often sold in bulk. That being said, every lion who passes through this den gets a unique (to my pride) name and gets recorded in my own system with their names and a picture. No lion is forgotten.

Dreamboat of Ladies Balentin
Level: 19 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 666 Territory: 60
Lionesses: 60 Beetle Slots: 1 / 8
Cubs: 22 / 300 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 3 / 3 Subordinate Males: Amahle
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 2 lions with mutations in Balentin's pride.

Balentin's Player
Member ID #489146
Alexis (They/Them)
Joined: 2024-08-27 22:11:22 Last Active: 2024-11-25 9:08:47

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