Tigerstar (shadow)'s Den

This lion has 242 happy thoughts, 121 awkward thoughts, and 253 frivolous thoughts!

This is my side account, it rolls every 1-3 days! I love the roleplay comments, so keep em coming! My side account focuses on high BO natural colored lions, and busy, overlapping patterns! If you're looking for my main account *CLICK HERE*

About Me:
Name: Moxie
Pronouns: They/she
Orientation: Asexual pan-romantic
Age: In my 30s
Timezone: 1 hour behind Lioden time!
Announced/Expected hiatuses: None right now, I roll over every day currently!

My Breeding Ethics & Goals:

1. All lines will be bred cleanly. I will refuse breedings to dirty lionesses (or studs if reverse breeding), and all lions in my pride will be kept clean. If you notice a dirty lineage, please let me know!
2. Higher stats are preferred, as we are trying to improve our lines with each generation, not dull them down.
3. I avoid the top/common studs and their offspring, such as: Ysdaar, Indra, and YohRa, as I consistently see them in lineages and want to encourage variety and a wider gene pool.
4. If you receive cubs you do not want from my king or queens, be assured I will take them back. This will likely be for a "raise and chase" style program, or purely tracking where my own cubs have gone.
5. Combo base breeding! Hexaplex, Hoarfrost, Nether, Aether, Constellation, Rime, Soul, Cloudburst, Snowflake, Nadir, Elysian, and Styx are the main priorities.

Studmuffin Tigerstar (shadow)
Level: 11 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 1665 Territory: 55
Lionesses: 41 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 30 / 275 Grandpaw: Side Hustle
Male Slots: 1 / 3 Subordinate Males: Rustshade
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 5 / 5
There are 12 lions with mutations in Tigerstar (shadow)'s pride.

Tigerstar (shadow)'s Player
Member ID #508155
Moxie (side)
Joined: 2025-01-23 18:46:27 Last Active: 2025-02-21 20:46:12

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7 Pregnant Lionesses

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Tigerstar (shadow)'s Recent Allies
played by Lionstar [G5 Ferus]
Level 11 - 64 lionesses - 51 cubs
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