Magpiee's Den

Avian pride is a pride believing that they have a connection to birds.
Their lions are often of various heritage and new kings are chosen by ability rather than by blood. Many lions living here are horribly mutated but given the ability to live.

Their territory is a wast canyon full of pine trees, various mountain lakes are scattered around, one nearest to the camp, which is on a valley like crevice in the rocky hills.

Lions are named after birds most often and wear feathers in their fur representing so, but also for good luck and protection.
This den has 2 lions that may leave soon due to their low moods or starvation!

Sapphic Magpiee
Level: 6 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 71 Territory: 12
Lionesses: 12 Beetle Slots: 3 / 6
Cubs: 11 / 60 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 0 / 0 Subordinate Males: None!
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 0 lions with mutations in Magpiee's pride.

Magpiee's Player
Member ID #513102
Joined: 2025-02-21 12:28:17 Last Active: 2025-03-06 4:28:11

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1 Pregnant Lioness

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