Akero's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!

Current Activity Notice!

My current activity is very irregular lately. I am only logging in maybe once a week, and on no set day. I pop on to the site everyday, but do not always rollover unless I see I have messages. If you send a stud request, however, due to how notifications work vs actual PMs, I won't see it.

If you send a stud request, I highly recommend sending me an actual PM along with it. Just send anything saying you've send a request or whatever (even just "hey" works), so that I have something showing that there's a PM in my inbox, and thus will rollover. I know it's an extra little step you might need to do, but without it I have no way of telling there's a stud request waiting for me or not. I am also currently not logging into my other account, or at least very rarely, so sending a PM there like I usually suggest is not going to do much.

Hello, and welcome to my den :3 I'm Blackthorn, or MR if you prefer, or whatever else you want to call me within reason XD I'm just a girl with too much time on her hands ;P
I consider myself a writer and artist by hobby who dabbles in website coding. Feel free to PM me if you want to chat ^^ I'm really friendly, but a bit shy, so I suck at starting conversations. I'm much more easy to talk to if you approach me first, rather than the other way around >.<

I only accept friend requests here from people I talk to or are in one of my families.
Please don't be offended if I don't accept your request, it's just I have a lot of people on my allies list and I'd like to limit it to people I know.

If you're sending it to essentially "bookmark" me, send it to my main account. I accept all requests there ^^

Do not send me or offer me lions!

-Unless I contact you about buying a lion/cub, I'm not interested -_- My pride is often very full and I rarely buy lions these days. My pride is as I like it and I won't get rid of them to make room for others. Most times if I need new blood I stud or make Oasis lionesses.

I feed my pride every 4 days!

I have two prides of 30+ lions, so in order to make sure I have enough food to feed them both, I only feed my lions every 3-4 days, and when I'm breeding. I've never had too much of a problem with this method in the past, so I continue this practice.

Like My Layout?

I no longer offer custom coding, but I'm always coming up with new layouts on my free layout thread(this is a link) c: Feel free to check them out or even suggest one ^^

And lastly, Please Do Not Message Me About Ordering Coding!

I am happy to answer questions about coding, but I will not do CSS orders and will not consider orders for HTML placed by PM. I will end up loosing the PM, ignoring it(not on purpose), or getting distracted and you will never get your order! This is not me being harsh, it is just what has happened many times before >.<

Welcome to the Dark Marsh

You enter a humid, heavily shaded, wet, murky, marsh. The waters are dark, filled with who knows what, and it smells nearly like death. Every bone in your body screams fear, telling you to turn around, but you can't. The marsh also holds the strong scent of lions, a large pride, several males, many lionesses, and you need something from them, whatever it may be. You've heard the stories of the pride led by light, yet dark kings, of lionesses who are more likely to kill then the males, a pride where nothing is as it seems.

"Welcome to the Dark Marsh Kingdom traveler," a voice startles you as a lion walks forth from the reeds in front of you. He is followed by two males and at least a dozen lionesses. "I am the king of these lands, and you are welcome here as long as you don't cause trouble. Cause trouble and well, you may find that you'll never leave."

Pride Info

About the Pride

Pride Lore and Religion

Pride Ranks and Titles
-King: male ruler of the Dark Marsh
-Queen: female ruler of the Dark Marsh
-Prince: A son of the king/queen or an honorary title designating a male as high ranking
-Princess: A daughter of the king and his queen or his 2nd mate
-King's 2nd Mate: A formally recognized mate of the king, who acts as the queen's right hand and advisor. Holds title of "Lady" in life, but in death honored with the title of "Queen".
-Lady: A noble or royal lioness who takes part in the council that advises the rulers
-Lord: A noble or royal male who is subordinate to the king
-Noble: A lion who is of a noble family, but does not take part in court matters
-Royal: Like the above, but with royal family
-Huntress/Hunter: Standard, commoner of the pride
-Healer: A lion/ess trained in the traditional methods of tending to the wounded and ill, as well as being able to tend to the spiritual needs of the pride
-Berkon(o/a): A lion/ess who has devoted themselves to the life of the warrior. Guards and defends the pride.

Pride's Pantheon
-Et'Treho/Tah'Dajo: god of vengeance and wrath. Also known to the Dark Marsh to be the figure "Etahoro", who is the god of the unknown. Heavily worshiped by the pride.
-Oit'Zartahera: goddess of beauty, protectors. The defender of orphans and those that can not protect themselves. Sister of Et'Treho. Known(/rumored) to be reincarnated as the lioness Ashildr.
-Dajo: The god of war. Father of Et'Treho and his siblings.
-Ni'Sydro: god of night and protector from evil.
-Utura: goddess of nature, creator of the living world
-Xeto: god of time, creator of the divine world
-Dre'Dajo: god of mischief and humor. Brother of Et'Treho. "The Destroyer of Fools"

King Tah'Lohet; Reign of the Blood Dragon

Other Info

About Me

-My username comes from my pen name, which is M. R. Blackthorn(the M and R are my actual first and middle initials).
-I preferred to be called Blackthorn, but Black/Thorn/whatever is fine.
-I am an artist, writer, and coder(CSS/HTML, but I'm slowly learning others).
-I'm a bit of a nerd, but don't really identify myself as so. I honestly get along with most people and tend to adapt to people around me, but still remain myself. You can honestly talk with me about anything, but just know I'm my own person with my own opinions.
-As mentioned above this table, I no longer offer custom CSS layouts, but I still do free custom tables and I'm always here if you have a question about coding.

What kind of music do I listen to? Well, have a listen yourself ;D(This is a LINK!)
That is the Pandora station I made and has turned into a huge mixed of pretty much all the types of music I listen to. It can go from heavy metal to classical music in three seconds flat, so you have been warned XD


GB/SB conversion

Coding is my own, both CSS and HTML.


Notes to Self
Hey stupid...
a. Hunt you idiot
b. Patrol the floofs
c. Feed and play with da pride.
d. Train dem cubs
e. Figure yer shit out. Too many lions XD

Lone Wanderer Akero
Level: 9 Branch: The Blackthorn Branch
Stats: 699 Territory: 54
Lionesses: 49 Beetle Slots: 1 / 7
Cubs: 5 / 270 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 3 / 4 Subordinate Males: Cub
Frozen Slots: 1 / 1 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 7 lions with mutations in Akero's pride.

Akero's Player
Member ID #5838
Joined: 2013-03-24 03:10:50 Last Active: 2024-12-31 17:37:53

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⛔ Block Member

0 Pregnant Lionesses

Empty Cave Slot

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Akero's Recent Allies

played by Nicky
Level 9 - 63 lionesses - 46 cubs
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M i r a g e
played by Hyena Hubby
Level 21 - 40 lionesses - 20 cubs
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played by Fallen
Level 9 - 14 lionesses - 2 cubs
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played by MissRufaro 🏳️‍🌈
Level 20 - 28 lionesses - 18 cubs
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played by BlackPanther {LAWS, VV}
Level 12 - 79 lionesses - 75 cubs
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played by Miranda
Level 5 - 21 lionesses - 5 cubs
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Akero's Clan Memberships
None Joined

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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