Johari's Den

This lion has 0 happy thoughts, 0 awkward thoughts, and 0 frivolous thoughts!

hey there, i'm rosemarie! i love hiking, forests, tea, cats, history, books, and baking! (man, that's a lot of things)

the paa pride's history
first king and founder: Dipili; meaning green snake
end of July 2015; beginning of August 2015
on the eve of the August droughts, a young lion rose to power in a rocky outcrop close by to the vast African savannas. Dipili had dreams of wealth and recognition since he was a cub, but now, his dreams are coming true. he's beginning to establish himself as a force to be reckoned with. he's starting fights, killing innocent animals, and stealing. seemingly daily, a poor lioness is killed in the pride. however, his small pride is quite happy and well-fed. Dipili is expecting cubs with Astraea, the main huntress, whom is also the current queen of the Paa Pride.
august 10th, 2015
the first cub in the pride has been born, and her name is Clothilde. Dipili doesn't seem too happy about her, seeing as Astraea only had one, but nevertheless, he celebrates her birth.
august 14th, 2015
Charmian, one of the pride's huntresses, revealed she was expecting Dipili's cubs. Dipili does not seem to mind, but Astraea is furious.
august 20th, 2015
Charmian's cub has been born, albeit overdue. a golden female named Letizia. Astraea, whom is usually kind and such, called for both Charmian and her cub to be killed. Dipili, whom was hesitant over killing his illegitimate daughter, made a compromise. Charmian, one of the best huntresses, needed to stay. Letizia was thrown out and never seen again, after given a tearful farewell by her mother.
august 29th, 2015
Dipili has revealed his is contemplating on a second queen. Astraea seems heartbroken, and Clothilde feels betrayed. the rest of the pride is left to guess who this possible queen could be. while most assume it could very while be Charmian, Dipili has had his eyes on a certain other lioness for a while...
september 10th-19th, 2015
Astraea, her young newborn cub, and Clothilde have been chased out. a tragic and unexpected event. Dipili appears to not even care! alas, the new queen has still not been chosen.
september 20th, 2015
A new cub of Dipili's has been born, Primus. Dipili is overjoyed at the arrival of his first son, and, in a fit of joy, elected Orella, Primus' mother, as the new queen of the Paa Pride. The pride celebrates the new heir's birth.
october 8th, 2015
Ursula and Ignacia have been born to Dipili and Aquilina. Dipili appears content with his two new daughters.
may 27th, 2016
The heir of the Paa Pride has been born. Named Fachnan, the crown prince and son of Dipili and Aquilina shows great promise in the eyes of the king. Fachnan has one brother from the litter, Tristian. Queen Orella is extremely jealous of the whole affair.
august 7th, 2016
Orella has been officially replaced as queen by Aquilina. She has not, however, been chased out.
february 17th, 2017
Fachnan has been brutally killed by his younger brother, Tristian. Tristian is set to take the throne after Dipili's death. Dipili is satisfied with his newest successor.

i really hate my current king what do i do save me
i have to sort out my den! forgive it for being disorganized

Deathlord of the Jungle Johari
Level: 11 Branch: Dipili's Honor
Stats: 232 Territory: 12
Lionesses: 3 Beetle Slots: 5 / 6
Cubs: 8 / 60 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 1 / 1 Subordinate Males: Tristian
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 1 / 3
There is 1 lion with mutations in Johari's pride.

Johari's Player
Member ID #66852
Joined: 2015-07-26 14:01:19 Last Active: 2024-11-05 19:45:30

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