Knight of the Sun's Den

[side account to #65812]

my consorts are used for breeding projects, and sometimes my untitled lionesses are as well. huntresses are never bred, unless i come to be super fond of them. if you're interested in breeding an untitled lioness or consort, dm me, i may be willing to sell a heat !

the area grows humid as you pad through low hanging vines and marshlands, the fur on the back of your neck rising. whispers of long-dead lions fly past your ears, like flies, fleeting. heat swelters for a moment as you pass through two identical trees, each marked with a claw mark. over the right tree mark, the letter 'v' is carved into it, along with a setting sun. on the left tree, there is another claw mark, a letter 'g', next to it a rising sun. there's a split path.

you follow the path of the rising sun and the humidity considerably spikes. soon the path slopes downwards, the terrain turns rocky. the air grows thick quickly, and you can taste the heat - but it subsides, just as quickly, as the air turns cool and the sky is covered by a canopy of leaves. soon you come upon a clearing with three rocky cave entrances, through the left one you can see a bubbling spring, and whom seems to be the broodmother, arranging nests and toys. through the middle arch there is a small pool and lions convene around it, listening to the ringing voice of their queen. to the right there is a doorway, but you can't see too far inside. where shall you go?

Sovereign Knight of the Sun
Level: 5 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 138 Territory: 36
Lionesses: 30 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 6 / 180 Grandpaw: Paradox of Achilles
Male Slots: 2 / 3 Subordinate Males: Pelle
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 4 / 4
There are 0 lions with mutations in Knight of the Sun's pride.

Knight of the Sun's Player
Member ID #69228
Joined: 2015-08-18 11:18:38 Last Active: 2025-01-05 0:13:37

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1 Pregnant Lioness

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Knight of the Sun's Recent Allies

played by Cerulean_Soul
Level 19 - 42 lionesses - 21 cubs
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Level 10 - 78 lionesses - 111 cubs
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Saint Baptiste
played by gxrl
Level 9 - 31 lionesses - 10 cubs
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played by DrEggplant
Level 17 - 42 lionesses - 30 cubs
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